Chapter 8

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Just read the damn story........



Chapter 8

Lexi's P.O.V.

I woke up with my head pounding. I sat up and rubbed it hard. The pain meds wore off and I could definitely feel it. I looked up and saw a note on the table. 

'Went to work. Stay in bed and if you feel any pain take some pills. 

Please feel better!" 

After the note, he drew a little bird, which made me laugh. He always wrote in blue pen, thus when he drew a bird, it was a 'blue jay'. I loved it when he made, silly and stupid puns like that. I sighed and remembered last night. I slapped my forehead several times, which was a bad idea, as it made my headache so much worse. I felt like crap. God I can't believe I told him I loved him! He just sat there and stared at me and I all I could do to save my dignity and my tears, was to lay like a lump! Ugh, why am I so pathetic?! I went and took some pills and stayed in all day, just sitting on my couch and watching shitty infomercials and soap operas. I never realized how boring daytime t.v. was! Jayden came home during lunch and brought me some food, which I was grateful for as we didn't have any here. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, cupping my chin gently in his hands.

"I feel ok. I took some pills earlier." I nodded and smiled softly. But it was weird. I felt ok before, but now that he's here, I somehow felt better and energetic. It was kinda freaking me out a bit. Especially the way he was looking at me right now. As if he could see below my surface of lies and see the real me. The me that was hurt, scarred, and scared. The me that was in love with him. The me that didn't ignore the sparks that rushed to wherever he touched me, and then some.  He sighed and pulled away, far to early for my liking. He flipped over the backside of the couch and pretended to watch the t.v., leaving my stunned after what just happened. The way he was looking at me made me think, just for a split second, that he might feel something for me, more than friendship. But I shook the idea out of my head. There is absolutely no way in hell he could feel like that for me. 

"Do actually watch this crap?!" He asked, softly chuckling, pointing to the t.v. I had left one of the shitty soap operas on. 

"Hey, say what you want about them, but they suck you in pretty damn fast!" I told him. It was true. I got sucked into one, so bad that I actually started yelling at the t.v.! 

"So what's happening in this one?" He asked. I flopped over the back just like he did and landed right next to him. I noticed how close we were and tried to move without being noticed, but he wrapped his arm gently around my waist, keeping me from moving away.  I blushed and looked up to see he didn't seem to notice or care. So I just went with it. 

"Well, Rachel loves Sam. Sam is married to Delilah, Delilah is pregnant with Jason's baby. Jason is in a coma. Jason is Rachel's brother and Rachel poisoned Delilah's son, Mark. Mark died and Delilah thinks Jason did it." I summarized.

"Wait, so Rachel loves a married man whose wife cheated on him with his mistress's brother who is in a coma whose sister killed a teenager whose mother thinks the brother did it?" He asked. I nodded and laughed at his confused face.

"Wow. No wonder society is crumbling as we speak. Who writes this bullshit?"He ranted. I just sat there and laughed. Jayden always had something funny or smart to say. It was hilarious watching him, just sitting there with a puzzled look on his face. We watched the rest of the show, talking and laughing, until Jayden shushed me, telling me that the show is back on. That's right, Jayden told me to be quiet! We had a great time and too soon he had to go back to work. 

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