●Chapter 16 (Part 1): This Is The Life●

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-Chapter 16-

°Sandy's POV°

To be honest, there are actually a few good advantages in being Karen's maid.The paparazzi doesn't give a damn about yoh.After we arrived at the airport, the boys and Karen were immediately bombarded by paparazzi.They asked questions about the tour which they completely ignored.

The funny thing is that bird poop fell on Karen's blonde hair.She immediately went bonkers when the crowd started laughing at her and I'm perfectly sure she'll be on the front page of the newspaper.We arrived at the hotel safely and I'm surprised to find ourselves in one piece.

The entire hotel looked luxurious.A sprakling chandelier was hanging on the ceiling of the lobby.They had a large café and a small souvenir shop where I plan to give a visit and buy something for Lisa.

"Stupid bird.I'd like to slam dunk that feathered animal."Karen furiously said as she unwrapped the towel from her head, revealing her newly washed hair.I ignored her presence as I continued to unpack her clothes.

"What the hell are you still doing here!?Hurry up so I could get my eight hour beauty sleep!"She yelled at me and I rolled my eyes in response but she couldn't see it then because my back was facing her.

After unpacking her clothes, I head out the room without saying a word so she could get her so called "eight hour beauty sleep".I actually don't find the difference between sleeping for eight hours and an eight hour beauty sleep.It's just sleep.

I step inside my room, closing the door behind me as my eyes took in the sight.The hotel suite was furnished and is the same size like Karen's.I was glad that room service brought my bag up here though.

I let out a sigh and I stretched up by arms.I took off my combat boots,placing them near the bedside table.I lay down the soft matress and my arms hugged the decorative pillow.After an hour of twisting and turning to find a comfortable postion, I realized it was no use having a nap at all.

I stood up from bed and I glance at my wrist watch only to see that it is one o'clock in the afternoon which means I could still do something.

I walked towards my travel bag and I zipped it open,searching for something comfortable to wear.I ended up wearing blue faded jeans and a white tee along with a maroon cardigan.I slipped on a pair of white short socks, pairing it with blue flats.

I admit that I don't really have some good fashion sense but I liked wearing what I choose.Lisa once told me to wear a skirt but I made up an excuse not to wear it.A skirt would make me feel quite exposed.(I think) I only wear a skirt when it's necessary.

I styled my hair in a neat braid and I sprayed on a small amount of cheap perfume.I grab my sling bag and I swing it over my shoulder, heading out of my hotel room.

I think exploring a small part of Milan is not a big deal at all.Karen is sleeping which is good.I have Anna's credit card (but she stricly instructed that I should only use it for emergency) and my phone.All I have to do is borrow or buy a map of Milan and I'm sure nothing will go wrong.


I took a seat in one of the empty tables outside, deciding I should rest because I have been walking around Italy for an hour.After I borrowed a map from the hotel clerk, I immediately left the hotel going anywhere that seems fun.I visited tourist spots like Piazza del Duomo.I had a few plans to buy a few souvenirs but I plan to save that for later.Just as I was about to find my way back the hotel, I didn't even realize I lost the map.

Now here I am, sitting outside a café and the battery of my phone is dead.So much for playing minion rush.

Stupid yellow capsule looking idiots,I thought.An addition to my problem is that my stomach is growling like I kept a crocodile in it,the only thing is,how will a crocodile even fit inside me?

"Do not panic Sandy.You'll find your wake back to the hotel.You could just ask directions"I said to myself, biting my lower lip and realization hit me.I don't even know the damn name of the hotel.That's when I burst into tears.People passing by were giving me weird looks which made me feel embarassed.Great, just great.I stayed like that for a few minutes and I stopped sobbing, realizing then it was no use crying.When I said I wanted to tour the world,I didn't ask for myself to get lost in Italy.This is one epic fail.

"Sandy?"A familiar voice said.

°Harry's POV°

"Can we pull over? I really need to pee."Niall pleaded.

Louis let's out a sigh and instructed the driver to pull over.The black vehicle stops by a café where he could do his business and Niall immediately leaves us like his urine is about to errupt soon.

We've been going around Milan for about an hour already and we decided to look for somewhere to have late lunch.Eventually, we had to look for somewhere more private.We couldn't take the risk of being mobbed by fans.

"I sure hope Karen was able to wash that bird poop from her hair."Louis snickered making Liam and Zayn burst into laughter.I admit that the scene where bird poop fell on Karen was quite funny.Even Sandy tried so hard not to laugh.Speaking of Sandy,I wonder where she is.We actually wanted her to come along with us but we didn't have a clue where her hotel room is.I slid out my phone,checking if I had received a text message.

"Hey,isn't that Sandy?"I immediately looked up from my phone.Liam pointed his index finger against the car window.I glance outside,only to see Sandy sitting outside the empty table of a cafe.

"We could ask her to join us.That would be fun."Zayn suggested and we all nodded our head in agreement.

"Or we could tell Harry to walk towards Sandy and ask her to join us."Louis piped up making me roll my eyes in response.Why does he always assume that I have feelings towards Sandy?I mean,I really like Sandy and I love being with her.Just because we hug or hold hands doesn't mean we're a couple.The awkward thing is,I nearly kissed her when we were at the hospital.I didn't know if I was caught up in the moment with my face being close to hers or I really wanted to do it.But something still doesn't seem right.During the night after the charity event and I brought her back to her home,it's like something else happened.But I was too drunk to remember.

"Go get her Harry and bring back Niall with you."Louis demanded and I shoot him a glare.I stepped outside the vehicle,closing the door and I walked towards her.The closer I approached the more I noticed the tear stains on her cheeks.I stop in front of her but she doesn't seem to notice.

"Sandy?"I spoke up.

She immediately looked up with a frown on her face and diamond shaped tears escaped her brown eyes.The both of us looked at each other without saying a thing and I wave my hand in front of her.

"Are you okay?"I asked her.

"Okay?You think I'm okay!?"She snapped at me.I stood there,hands dipped inside my pockets since I was too shocked.

"I've been lost in Italy for an hour and I'm still jet lag.I lost the map I borrowed.My phone is dead and now you ask me if I'm okay!?"She yelled in frustration.Now I know why she was crying.She is worried,it was obvious in her eyes.She's worried because she lost the map and she didn't know her way back to the hotel.I bent down on my knees,taking her small hands in my big ones and I gave it a tight squeeze.

"Hey...you don't have to cry."I gave her a soft smile and my other hand reached out to touch her face with the pad of my thumb wiping a tear.

"How do you even keep up with me?I'm always such a cry baby.I always cry over small things"She whispered,looking down at her hands that rested on her lap.

"It's because your not like any other girl I met.Your not a cry baby Sandy."I paused,smiling again at her."It's normal for someone to be quite...sensitive."Sensitive?Really?That's the only word I could come up with?I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry if I snapped at you.I feel so bad about it."The guilt was obvious on her face.She didn't have to blame herself.

"You don't have to be sorry.You want to join me and the lads for late lunch?"I offered her and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Are you sure yo--"I immediately cut her off,saying "Yes".

"But we have to go get Niall."I said and she nods her head in response.She stood up from her seated let's go of my hand and I walk inside the café with her following behind me.The smell of roasted coffee hits my nose making my stomach crave in hunger.We stop by near the restroom,only to see Niall come out with a look of relief on his face.

"Oh hey Harry,hey Sandy."He greeted and Sandy responds with a friendly wave."C'mon Niall,I'm starving so bad that I might eat a human.Let's go back to the car and get our late lunch."I heard the growling of my stomach and a small giggle escapes Sandy's lips.We soon went back to the car and I offer her Niall's seat which she quickly accepted.With that,Niall ended up sitting next to Zayn who was occupying the other back seats.The lads started cracking up a conversation with her.

"I'm glad you found me,I'd be lost without you."She said,looking away with a shy smile and I suddenly felt a tugging feeling inside of me.

"I'm glad I found you."I smiled at her.


A/N:So I'm going to split this chapter into two.The other part will be posted later on :D
I am so sorry if it took quite long for me to update.I was about to post this chapter earlier today but I received a call from my mom who I haven't seen for two years so I hope you understand. :3

I'm going to start editing chapters already because when I read the first few chapters I realized that it was so crappy making me a bad author. :/ Sorry if this chapter kinda sucks too (No,I am not looking for attention.)

Now this chapter is dedicated to @LiekeCookie because she was able to guess my name.If ever your wondering,yes,my name is Sandy.But it's my nickname :D Just because that's my name it doesn't mean I'm the main character of this book.In fact,I want my readers to imagine themselves as Sandy :)

Peace Out Xx



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