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It was the last day of school right before summer started.

All the students gathered around the baseball stadium to watch our baseballs teams last game.

Varsity vs Jr Varsity.

I only came for one reason.

My crush Benjamin Franklin Rodrigues plays on the Varsity team.


It was his turn to bat.

He stepped up to the plate.

Girls in front of me screamed loudly as they swooned over him says my things like,

"He's so cute!"

"Too bad he's single!"

I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the game.

He was wearing an off white long sleeve, button up shirt, sleeves rolled up a little passed his elbows.

He wore black Converse and dark green jeans.

The pitcher threw the ball to him, which in return, he swung his bat hitting the ball far off into the outfield.

He immediately dropped the bat and began running the bases.

The crowed cheering and yelling for him to run.

As soon as he got close to home he got into what everyone calls a 'Pickle'.

Everyone jumped out of their seats cheering him on or cheering the defense players on.

The boys on Benny's team ran out of the dugout and was cheering him on from the foul line.

Third baseman and the pitcher threw the ball to each other hoping to tag Benny out.

But he played the old slip and once the pitcher threw it to third baseman he slipped passed pitcher and slammed his foot on home plate.

Everyone cheered because he won the game for the Jr Varsity players.

Yes he was on Varsity but because it wasn't fair for the JV players he played with them.

I smiled to myself as I picked up my backpack and began to walk home.

Benny and his friends all live in the same neighborhood which was kind of exciting for me because I'm the only girl on our block.

I'm always outside playing catch with my little brother Jeremy.

A few times I've caught Benny staring at me through his window but I shrugged it off.

As I was walking home I was hearing the loud conversation of the eight boys behind me.

I smiled to myself blocking out everything except for Benny's voice.

Then I stopped seeing the house that had been previously put up for sale have a moving truck parked in front of it.

Finally maybe I can make a new friend.

Because the Lord knows I don't have any.

I stopped in front of their house.

As the boys got closer their conversation stopped and they looked at the same thing I was.

They reacted,

"Finally. Let's hope he can play ball. That'd make nine players."

"Yeah-Yeah that'd be a miracle."

I blinked a few times and started walking away.

The boys did too.

Then is stopped when I heard a familiar voice say, "Have a nice day Y/n!"

I turned around and saw Benny waving to me with a small smile.

"You know my name?" I asked him in shock.

He smiled, "Yeah we've been neighbors for seven years now."

I sighed, "Yeah but- umm never mind. Thanks Benny. You too!"

He opened his mouth to say something again but I ran away and into my house.

I peeked out the window and saw him staring at my house with a small smile as he went inside his house.

I sighed and ran upstairs into my room.


"Honey come downstairs!" I heard my mom yell.

I got up off my bed and went downstairs.

I saw a boy and what I'm assuming are his parents in our doorway.

"Ummm hi," I said.

"Y/n, this is the Smalls family. This young man is Scott Smalls, he's is your age," my mom said.

I nodded.

"Go show him around the neighborhood," my mom said.

I nodded and ran back upstairs to grab some shoes.

And my backpack which contained some money and my baseball mitt.


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