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At 6, our normal time of leaving the Sandlot we were all walking back to our houses to get our things.

"Are you sure you want me to come Benny. I mean... I am a girl after all," I said.

He smiled and wrapped his hand around my shoulders.

"Of course I want you to come. I-I mean WE want you to come," he said and flushed bright pink.

I smiled, "Thanks Benny."

He nodded and we went inside our houses gathering our things.

****At Camp Out****

We say in there talking waiting for Smalls.

"Sorry I'm late you guys. My mom made me put in a jacket... And then made me do the dishes," Smalls said sitting on a bucket across from Ham who had the s'more ingredients in front of him.

"Awe your poor little mommy made you do the big bad dishes," Bertram teased.

I chuckled and pat Smalls back then sat down next to Benny and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hey you wanna s'more?" Ham asked.

I shot up, "YES!"

Using Benny's shoulder to help me stand up I quickly over to the two guys.

Ham smiled at me.

"Some more what?" Smalls asked.

"No, no, you wanna s'more?" Ham asked again.

"Yes," I answered for myself.

I decided to just make my own.

Ham chuckled.

"I haven't had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?" Smalls asked.

I sighed in sad disappointment.

"You're killing me Smalls!" Ham said.

After I was done making mine Ham began to explain how to make a s'more.

I walked back over to Benny.

He smiled as I sat down next to him.

"Ya didn't bring me one?" He asked playfully.

I chuckled then held the side I didn't bite against his lips.

He chuckled and took a bite.

"Hey can I tell you something?" Benny asked.

I gave a small smile and nodded.

"I- I really-" Benny was cut off by Squints.

"Okay, quiet you guys," Squints said.

People still continued to speak.

"Quiet are you trying to wake it up? It just went to bed," Squints said just above a whisper.

People became silent.

"What just went to bed?" Smalls asked normal voice, which was kinda loud.

"Shh the beast," people answered.

"Oh yeah!" He shouted.

"Shhhh," people said pushing his shoulders.

I smiled.

"Benny can I use your blanket? I left mine over there," I whispered.

He smiled and grabbed part of his blanket and covered me up with it.

Sandlot's Girl (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now