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•***In The Future***•

Announcer: Now pinch running for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Benny "The Jet" Rodrigues!

I sat right behind home plate.

My two sons sitting next to me, my baby girl in my lap and my hand rubbing my small baby bump.

Turns out Smalls ended up as a Big League baseball announcer.

He did all Benny's games.

Announcer/Smalls: It is the clutch situation of the season. They say the Jets lost a step or two, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some fireworks here.

Benny began moving off the plate.

Announcer/ Smalls: The jets got suicide lead and-- ~Benny starts running~ And there he goes! He's stealing home! I don't believe it! He's stealing home!

Everyone was cheering my man on.

"Go Daddy!" My kids screamed.

"Go Benny!" I screamed.

He barley made it home.

He was safe!

Benny won the game.

He turned and gave Smalls a thumbs up.


After the game Benny stayed on the field and asked everyone to stay strayed.

I walked down there with our three kids.

Smalls came down too.

I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Hey Scotty!" I said hugging him.

"Hey Y/n!" He said hugging me back.

"Hey Y/n, I have a sunrise for you," Benny said then pulled out a walkie talkie.

"Bring em in," Benny said.

Suddenly a horse carriage comes out and a covered wagon was in the back.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Alright guys come on out!" Benny's shouted.

Suddenly the boys, well men, came piling out.

"Oh my God!" I shouted then busted into tears.

It was all the guys from the Sandlot.

Yeah Yeah ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey best friend. Long time no see," I said.

"Yeah yeah. I missed you," he said and kissed my cheek.

"Wow! Y/n you've changed," Kenny said walking up to hug me.

I nodded and hugged him.

Yeah yeah rubbed my belly,"Congratula- tions y/n!"

"Thanks and we have three more," I said pointing over to the little kids playing with Hercules.

Their eyes widened.

We all caught up and spent a few days together.

We visited the Sandlot and found a new set of kids playing there.

They freaked when they saw Benny and I.

Because they knew us as "The Jet Couple".

We told them our story and told them to take good care of the Sandlot, it's their home.

Then we all went our separate ways knowing we'll see each other again.

One night.

"Hey babe?" Benny asked.

"Yes?" I asked.

He rolled on top of me.

"I'm so glad you came to the Sandlot that day, because if you didn't we never would've got together," he said.

I smiled.

"I love you Benny Rodrigues," I said.

He smiled, "I love you Y/n Rodrigues!"

Then he kissed me.


I sat back remembering all the good times with the boys.

They changed my life.

I couldn't be more grateful.

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