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***•The Next Day•***

Squints and Yeah yeah went to go get a ball for us to play with.

They were gone for quite a while.

We heard their voices.

"Where have you guys been?" Benny asked as Yeah Yeah handed him a ball.

"A Squints was perving a dish," Yeah yeah said.

I chuckled.

"Shut up. I wasn't," squints said.

"Yeah-Yeah you were," Yeah yeah said, "Your tongue was hanging outta your head and you was swoonin'. Oh Wendy Peffercorn, my darling lover girl."

"I said shut up. I've gotta lot of things on my mind," Squints said sadly.

"This pop isn't working Benny. I'm baking like a toasted cheeser! It's so hot out here!" Ham complained.

"It's 150 degrees out there, you can't play baseball," Squints said, "you have to call it for the day."

"Listen to him Benny," Bertram said.

"Vote then. Anybody who wants to be... A 'can't hack it' pantywaist... Who wears their mamas bra... Raise your hand," Benny asked.

Everyone raised their hand.

"I take that kind of offensively," I said.

Benny's eyes widened, "Sorry baby."

I blushed that he called me that in front of his friends.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Baby?" Ham asked.

"Yeah. She's my girlfriend," Benny said.

"Ha! Told ya it wouldn't be you yeah yeah!" Kenny said.

My eyes widened as Yeah yeah blushed.

"Kay Kay shut up!" Yeah yeah said.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked trying to break the awkward tension.

"Pool!" They shouted in sync.

We went to our houses and changed into my swimsuit with a cover up.

Of course.

We all came and jumped into the pool.

Benny swam over to me and pushed me against the side of the pool and pressed our foreheads together.

I pecked his lips and turned to see Ham not in the pool but flirting with girls about ten years older then him.

I giggled and pointed making Benny look too.

Ham blew a kiss to them and turned and yelled "Cannon Ball!"

Then he jumped in causing a huge splash getting the girls wet.

They shot up and left.

I giggled.

Benny laughed.

Then we turned and saw Squints staring at Wendy.

She was the lifeguard.

We all gathered around Squints.

"I've swam here every summer of my adult life. There she is, lotioning, oiling, oiling, lotioning. Smiling. Smiling. I can't take this no more!" Squints said.

Squints said getting out of the pool.

He started smiling at us and walking to the deep part of the pool.

Then onto the diving board.

"What's he doing?" I asked.

"I don't know but that's the deep part and Squints can't swim," Bertram stated.

I saw him shaking.

He waved at Wendy in return she waved back.

He then jumped off the board and into the water.

"SQUINTS!" I yelled and began to swim toward the edge to get out as fast as I could.

All the boys followed me.

Wendy jumped off her tower.

We finally made it out.

Benny grabbed my hand pulling me with him as we ran around the pool shouting Squints name.

I saw Wendy come and help him.

We were shouting to Squints with no response.

"Come on Squints!" I shouted.

The boys saying it too.

Wendy began to do mouth to mouth.

We kept cheering him on.

Then suddenly his eyes opened and he broke into a smile.

"What?" We all said in sync.

Wendy not noticing went back to mouth to mouth.

Squints pretended again and when she went back he pulled his hand up and kissed her sticking his tongue in her mouth.

"LITTLE PERVERT!" Wendy shouted.

All of us had shocked faces.

"Oh man he's in deep shit!" Timmy said.

Wendy began dragging Squints out of the pool area.

Is following behind saying his name.

A ton of other people in the pool area gathered at the commotion.

She pushed him away and yelled, "AND STAY OUT!"

Then flight her ponytail going back inside the pool area.

We saw Wendy go back into her tower from the sidewalk we were using to leave.

She put her whistle back around her neck.

"Did you plan that?" Ham asked.

"Course I have. Been planning it for years," Squints said.

"You guys he planned that! He knew what he was doing!" Ham yelled.

I laughed.

She glared at him from the top of her sunglasses.

He put a sad face on and I went over and rubbed his back.

Her face then formed a comforting smile and she did a little wave.

He waved to her then we both ran back to the boys.

I intertwined my fingers with Benny's again.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek.


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