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When we got there they were playing a game.

Where you put a hotdog in your mouth like a cigarette and say something.

"I'm mmmm mm mm mmmmmm!" He mumbled but I could make it out perfectly.

"What?" The guys said.

I crossed my arms and said, "He's saying 'I'm the Great Bambino!'"

"Oh!" The boys said.

"Who's that?" Smalls asked.

My eyes widened.

Along with the right boys.

"What did you just say?" I asked in shock.

Benny's face scrunched up like 'You're killing me Smalls!'.

"What were you born in a barn man?" The Bertram kid asked.

"Yeah-Yeah what planet are you from?" Yeah-Yeah asked.

"You've never heard of the Salted Of Swat?" Squints asked.

"The Titan of Terror!" Kenny asked.

"The Closis Of Clout!" Timmy Timmons asked.

"The Closis Of Clout!" Tommy Timmons repeated.

"The King Of Crash man," Benny said.

"Oh yeah. The Great Bambino. I thought you said the Great, Bambi," Smalls said.

"That wimpy deer?" Ham asked.

"Yeah... I guess... Sorry!" Smalls said.

"Well, anyways Smalls and Y/n. That's Timmy and Tommy Timmons," Benny said.

The two boys spit on the ground.

"EWE!" I freaked.

Benny smiled a little at my reaction.

"Mike Squints Palledorus," he said.

The guy took off his glasses wiping them on his shirt and spitting on the ground.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

"Al McClellan we call him, Yeah-Yeah," Benny said.

Then Yeah Yeah winked at me then spit on the ground.

I rolled my eyes.

"Bertram Grover Weeks," Benny said pointing to a guy with his hand in his hip.

The guy had the same unsatisfied look as he leaned forward and spit.

"Kenny DeNunez! And Hamilton Porter we call him Ham!" Benny said.

The dark skinned kid leaned forward spitting followed by the chubbier kid.

"Guys this is Scott Smalls he's new. And you guys already know Y/n L/n," Benny explained.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Hi Y/n!" Some of the kids said.

I waved then played with my hat I held in my hands before I'll put it on.

(You're hair is in a ponytail unless it's to short then it's normal)

"Hi!" Smalls said.

Squints just spit.

"Ewe!" I said loudly in utter disgust.

Some of the boys chuckled.

"Well they're gonna play with us. Cuz they make ten. Yeah it's one more than usual but now we gotta while team," Benny explained.

"But she can't play!" Ham said.

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