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"Hey Smalls throw it to second!" Benny yelled.

"Okay!" Smalls shouted.

I sat there praying for him to catch it.

Benny threw the ball up and swung, hitting it far ways to Smalls.

Everyone gasped.

Benny's face had so much hope that Smalls would catch it.

Some of the guys said:

"Come on Benny he's never gonna catch it!"

"He's not gonna catch it!"

He started backing up in order to catch it but fell over his own feet.

Still a few feet from the ball though.

"I told you Benny. We told you!" Ham said.

Smalls quickly got up and went after the ball he missed.

The dog that shook the fence the other day barked scaring Smalls.

"Come on Benny. Why'd you do that?" Kenny said.

"A square Benny. The kids a square," Squints said.

"Hey why don't you shut up you buck toothed beaver," I shouted to him firmly.

His face went pale.

The boys laughed.

Benny smiled at me.

Smalls finally got back to his spot and positioned himself to throw it but his figure fell into hopelessness.

"Come on! Throw it in!" Bertram shouted.

He dropped his head and his arm and began to run across the field.

He ran up to Kenny and dropped the ball into his glove.

"Here. Sorry," Smalls said.

Then ran back to his spot.

Kenny looked into his glove in disbelief.

Then looked at Benny.

I sighed and started running over to Smalls.

Benny did too.

"You can throw it ya know?" I said.

He frowned and took off his hat which looked weird.

"No I can't."

"Not with that attitude," I said not rudely but in an encouraging way.

"I don't know how," he said.

I pinned my lips together.

Benny rolled his eyes blinking rapidly.

"Thanks for taking me here. And Y/n I'm glad you fit in. But I think I better go," Smalls said.

I shook my head, "I don't fit in bud. Look around. I'm a girl. But I'm not giving up."

He shook his head and started walking away.

Benny stopped his saying, "Hey, hey. You think to much! I bet you get strait A's and shit huh?"

"Oh God not that again?" I sighed and Smalls chuckled a little.

"No I got a B once. Well it was an A- but it should've been a B," Smalls explained.

I laughed.

"Smalls this is baseball you gotta stop thinking," I said.

"Yeah. You just have fun. If you were having fun you would've caught that ball," Benny said.

"You ever have a paper route?" Benny asked.

"I helped a guy once," Smalls said.

"Okay... Well chunk it like you would throw paper," I said.

Benny nodded agreeing with my explanation.

"When your arm gets here," Benny said showing him physically, "just let go."

"It's that easy," I said.

Then I patted his shoulder.

"Thanks Benny," I said.

He smiled at me, "No problem Y/n!"

"You're a very sweet badass. You know that right?" I asked.

He laughed and nodded.

"I can say the same for you. I have a question though... Why don-" Benny started but was interrupted by Smalls.

"But how do I catch it?"

"Just stand there and stick your glove out in the air. I'll take care of it," Benny said.

I smiled and he winked at me.

"Quit flirting Benny this is baseball!" Ham shouted.

Benny blushed and went back over.

I blushed and ran to my spot too.

"Bout time Benny. My clothes are going out of style!" Squints said.

"They already are Squints!" Yeah yeah shouted.

"Shut up!" Squints shouted.

Benny finally got back to his spot.

"Told you Benny!" Ham said.

Benny kept his hat in front of his face to hide his blush.

Benny looked at Smalls and said, "Smalls. Throw it to second!"

"Okay!" Smalls said.

Bertram groaned.

"Not again!" Squints yelled.

Benny spit on the ball.

"Ewe," I whispered, "You're lucky you're cute Benny."

"What?" Yeah yeah asked me.

I shrugged innocently.

Smalls put his glove in the air like Benny said.

I ignored the rude things the others were saying.

Benny threw up the ball and hit it at Smalls again.

Hope shown on his face again.

The ball going right into Smalls mitt.

He clamped down and brought the glove down to his face.

He stared in disbelief.

I smiled.

He did too.

"YEAH! ALL RIGHT SMALLS!!!" I cheered.

"Yeah!" Benny yelled.

Everyone stared in shock.

"He's alright," squints said.

"I told you so man," Benny said to Ham.

Then Smalls threw it almost perfectly to Bertram who stared in disbelief once again.

"Alright! Let's play some ball!" Bertram said smiling and throwing it to Kenny.

"I knew it... All the time," Kenny said.

Smalls gave Benny and I thumbs ups and we returned em with smiles.

I heard the dog barking again and looked.

Smalls did too.

But we shrugged it off and kept playing.


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