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Then Smalls started walking up to the door.

I followed grabbing the collar on the dog, walking it.

Followed by Benny because he's very overprotective.

Smalls knocked on the door.

An old man opened it.

I'm assuming he's Mr. Mertle.

He had sunglasses on, he was dark skinned, we wore a button up gray long sleeve shirt with overalls over it.

He was blind.

He looked out the door then asked, "Hello?" as if not seeing anyone.

"Ummm. We brought your dog home," I said.

"Hercules?" The man asked, "How'd he get out?"

Smalls started stuttering trying to explain it but Benny stepped in saving him.

"Well what happened was, we hit a baseball into your yard. We tried to get it back," Benny explained.

"So you're the ones making all that racket," the man said.

"Yes sir," Benny and I said at the same time.

"Ya get it?" The man asked referring to the baseball.

"Umm. Yeah," I said hanging it to Smalls who handed it to the man.

"Well... First time anyone ever got the best of old Hercules," the man said.

We all looked at each other.

"Why didn't you just knock on the door is have gotten it for you?" The man said.

I glared at the boys, "TOLD YALL!!!"

Everyone started hitting Squints.

Benny, Smalls and I chuckled.

Mr. Mertle laughed.

"Thanks for bringing him home," he said, "Come on in."

We looked at each other.

"We'll talk about this baseball," Mr. Mertle said.

Then the three of us went inside.

We went into what I'm assuming is his living room.

Benny shut the door then Mr Mertle said, "You in trouble aren't you, son?"

"Yeah. Well... That was my stepdads ball. I took it without asking. It was signed by Babe Ruth," Smalls explained.

"George signed this?" Mr. Mertle asked.

"George Herman Ruth? Yeah," Smalls said.

"I take it back. You're not in trouble. You're dead where you stand," Mr Mertle said.

Smalls looked at the ground sadly.

"Awe," I said softly.

"Hold on," Mr Mertle told us.

"Hold on," he repeated.

He started walking towards a shelf and opened it feeling around (cuz he's blind).

Then he pulled out another ball.

"Here," Mister Mertle said, "I'll trade ya."

We all looked at each other smiling.

"That's nice of you, but that ball really is signed by Babe Ruth," Benny said as we walked closer.

"So is this one, with the rest of the 1927 Yankees," Mr Mertle said.

I gasped.

"Awe man," Benny said.

We stared in awe of the ball.

"Why would you trade?" I asked, "That ones all chewed up."

He shrugged.

"I got a lot of good stuff. Look at that stuff. Besides you need it more than I do," mr Mertle said pointing at his awesome stuff.

Smalls and I walked over looking at it.

"Oh my God. You knew Babe Ruth?!" I asked.

"George? I sure did. And he knew me. He was almost as great a hitter as I was. I would've broken his record but--" he didn't finish his sentence.

"You went blind," I said sadly.

"Yup. I used to crowed the plate so the strike zone almost disappeared," he laughed, "Pitchers hate that."

I grabbed Benny's hand and smiled.

He smiled back.

"That's the way I played-- 100% all the time. Baseball was life. And I was good at it, real good. And then... One day, high fast one and then 'pow' lights went out," he said.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

We all looked a little sadder.

"I don't think we can take this ball," I said.

"I'll tell you what. You guys come by and talk baseball with me, we'll call it an even trade," mr Mertle said.

We smiled at each other.

"Deal," Smalls said shaking his hand.

"So let me ask you something. What's your name little girl?" Mr Mertle asked me.

"Y/n," I said.

"Do you play baseball too?" He asked.

"Yes sir," I said.

"Well. I'm astonished. A girl playing baseball? You missy are one of a kind," he said, "And I'd be honored to shake your hand."

He held out his hand.

And I shook it.


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