Q & A answers!!!

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☺️What's your favorite book?

If you want a series... it'd be either "The Hunger Games" series. Or "Percy Jackson".

If you want an individual book... then by far "The Fault In Our Stars".

☺️Are you making any other stories for the Sandlot like preferences or one shot/ imagine?

I'm thinking about it. I'm still in school so I don't have a lot of time. Once summer comes into play I'll be a loner and a vampire and be doing nothing 24/7 so I will have more time.

☺️Will you make a sequel to this story based on reader-chan and Benny's children growing up?

I feel I won't be able to make a story people will actually read. So unless people really request it, no. I will not.

☺️Do you like the stars?

If you mean the ones in the sky at night... yes. However, where I live in Texas we don't really get a lot of stars. We get like two or three and the moon. That's it. But I do love going into the country and laying down watching the stars.

☺️How did you find out about the Sandlot?

It's a weird story actually... prepare your eyes people!!!

My sister (1/3 of them) and I were at my grandmas house and we were going through all these movies on the book shelf. However, we were too short so I had her stack a bunch of books up so we could reach the top shelf. Then I lost my balance and pulled the entire shelf on top of me. My brother (1/2 of them) helped me get out from under it. Then I was picking up all the movies and my brother threw one at me and it hit me in the back of the head. And guess what movie it was? SANDLOT!!! So then I was like "Hey we all like baseball right?" And my siblings were like Yeah. And I was like "LETS WATCH THIS ONE!!!" And boom. It was discovered.

☺️Can you pleeaaassseee do your own Benny x Reader one shots?

Yes. I was gonna start those soon. Idk if I will put requests first. Or get my book started with some of my own written ones. And I don't wanna start it then not have a lot of time to write it. And when I make the book I'm gonna do all the characters.

😍I'm wanting to start a Lord Of The Rings imagine book or fan fic also. I'm currently in love with Mr. Frodo Baggins and Legolas😍😘!!! If you like LOTR I'm gonna start making a book soon.😍

💖I'll make a book for Sandlot and LOTR (separately) so don't be disappointed.💖

☺️ I'll add on as more questions come in the future.

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