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About two hours later we finally got 98 cents.

Then we went inside and bought us a ball.

"Come on open it up!" Yeah yeah said to Benny who was holding the box that contained the ball.

"Give me something to write with," Benny said.

"No wait! Let me do it," I said.

"Why?" Benny asked.

"Because I have the best handwriting," I said taking the pen and the ball, "No offense."

"It's cool."


"None taken."

The boys said.

I slowly began to write "Babe Ruth" on the ball.

I held it up to show the boys.

"Yeah yeah that looks amazing," Yeah Yeah said.

"Nice Y/n!" Ham said.

"Okay let's go guys!" I said.

And we all started running back.


Smalls ran inside his house and put the ball back and we waited outside.

**In The Treehouse**

"Hey why don't we go over. And knocking the door and ask Mr. Mertle if he can get it for us?" Smalls suggested.

"I don't see a problem with that," I said.

"Are you out of your mind? Mr. Mertle's the meanest old man that ever lived. He's the one who made the beast eat that kid. It's not an option Smalls, forget about it!" Squints said.

"Oh okay. Sorry. I-I will," Smalls said.

I felt a little bad so I hugged him.

"Let's just look out the window okay Scotty?" I asked.

He smiled at me and nodded.

We all stood up and looked out the window.

I gasped seeing a doll with an arrow from a bow in its eye.

We saw rusted knifes.

Ripped up kite.

And the chain that held the Beast.

We followed the chain 'trail' back to the hole the beast laid in.

The beast growled and dust from his hole came out.

We all backed up away from the window.

"He's daring us," Timmy said obviously scared.

"We're on his territory now," Ham said.

"Anybody got any bright ideas?" Benny asked emphasizing the word bright.

I sighed.

"Look. I think we should just give the old man a shot. I mean think about it. Y'all said it was a legend. And legends aren't always true. So maybe Squints told the story right but y'all have it all wrong," I said.

"Y/n we don't," Kenny said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

They sighed.

"That's right you don't. Because you haven't physically seen somebody get eaten by the beast. And none of you, I'm sure, have talked to that old man," I explained.

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