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"So what do you like to do for fun?" I asked as we stepped out of my door.

"Ummm I like to built contraptions that give scientific reactions," he said.

I rose my eyebrows, "Are you one of those A kids?"

He sighed and nodded, "No I got a B once. Actually it was an A- but it should've been a B."

I nodded.

"Well I'll show you where some of our neighbors houses who are also our age," I said walking down the sidewalk.

He followed.

"This is Yeah-Yeah's house," I said pointing to a house.

"This is Ham's house," I said pointing to another house.

"And this is Squints house," I said.

Then I walked back up our street and pointed to the last house on our block, "And this... Is Benny's house."

***The Next Day***

I ran over to Smalls' house early this morning so I could show him something cool.

His mom answered.

I asked for him.

He walked out all dressed and ready to go.

"Come on. I wanna show you something.
Do you like baseball?" He nodded.

"Bring your mitt," I said.

He grabbed his mitt.

I started running to the place Benny and his friends call "The Sandlot".

We went in through a secret gate and hid behind bushes.

We watched them.

"They never keep score. They just play for practice and the fun of it," I explain.

Suddenly the gate behind us started moving like something was behind it.

Smalls wanted to take a closer look to he stepped out of the bushes.

"Smalls," I whisper yelled.

He ignored me.

Suddenly we heard the boys yell "WATCH OUT!!!"

I looked up and saw the ball headed right for Smalls.

Sense he likes baseball and he has his mitt I assumed he could catch it so I didn't go after it.

He slowly turned around and put his mitt up but completely missed the ball falling to the ground with a scream and a thud.

The boys laughed.

Except for Benny.

I growled and ran out from behind the bushes, "Oh my God, Smalls, are you okay?!"

I helped him stand up.

He nodded and brushed himself off and looked at the laughing boys embarrassed.

"I'll get it!" Smalls shouted to them.

I glared at the boys as they yelled, "Hurry up!"

"Come on!"

Smalls came back with the ball.

He started to attempt to set his feet to throw it.

Then with his attempt to throw it, the ball ended up a yard in front of him causing the boys to break out into another fit of laughter.

Some fell to the ground holding their stomachs.

Benny wasn't laughing.

Not even smiling.

"Oh my God!" The boys yelled as they laughed.

"My life's over!" Smalls cried as he ran back through the gate.

I got mad.

"OH PUT A SOCK IN IT SLINTHEADS!!!" I yelled picking up the ball and throwing it back to them.

It ended up in the catchers mitt.

The boys looked at me with wide eyes as I left the field running after Smalls.

***The Next Day***

I walked up to Smalls and sat down next to him on his porch.

"Hey!" I said.

He quickly looked at me and back down at his busted mitt, "Hi Y/n!"

"Oh my God! What happened to your eye?!" I said.

"My stepdad was teaching me to play ball but an accident happened. I-it's not a big deal!" He said.

I was about to say something else but I heard footsteps and a familiar voice.

"Hey Y/n!" I looked up and my eyes met with Benny's.

"Hi Benny," I said shyly.

"Who's this?" He asked pointing at Scott Smalls.

"Smalls this is Benny. Benny this is Scott Smalls. He's new," I said standing up.

Benny nodded.

"So ummm. You guys wanna go play some ball?" Benny asked.

My eyes widened, "Why would you invite me? I'm a girl!"

He smiled a little, "So. Don't worry if the guys say something I'll stand up for you. So are you in?"

I blushed.

Then smiled and nodded.

Then we both looked at Smalls.

"Ummm nah thanks," he said.

"Why not? Don't you like baseball?" Benny asked.

"Oh yeah but umm..." Smalls stopped mid sentence.

"But what?" Benny asked.

Smalls stood up.

"Uh. But my glove... its busted..."

Benny rolled his eyes at Smalls statement.

"See... now I can't go... Thanks though," Smalls said sadly.

"Come on please Smalls!" I begged.

"It's okay," Benny said pulling out another baseball glove, "I got another one."

He then tossed it to Smalls.

I smiled and whispered, "Thank you Benny!"

He smirked at me.

"Come on! Let's go!" Benny said.

He stood up and yelled inside his front door to his mom, "Hey mom! I'm gonna go play some ball be back in a little while!"

"Come on! Let's go!" I said then the three of us started running towards where we're going to meet the others.

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