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"Heroes get remembered but legends never die. Y/n this is my chance to do something great," Benny said to me.

"Is picking me not good enough?" I asked tears falling from my eyes.

"You're the best decision I've ever made, Y/n!" Benny said picking my head up and passionately kissing me.

"I have to do this. Okay?" He said.

I knew he wasn't gonna take no for an answer.

"Okay. But... Be careful," I said.

He nodded.

He climbed up on the fence.

"Benny wait," Smalls said, "It was my fault. You don't have to do this. Forget about it."

The boys agreed with Smalls.

"Yeah I do Smalls," Benny said.

Then Benny jumped over the fence.

I didn't watch any of it I just stayed back.

He was in there for about two minutes.

Longest two minutes of my life.

When I saw him jump over the fence with the ball.

We cheered him on.

I went over there and we kissed.

"Told you I'd be fine baby girl," he said.

I sighed relieved.

Then I grabbed the ball and started walking towards the dugout to clean it.

Then I heard the boys yell, "Y/N RUN!!"

I turned around and saw the Beast jump over the fence and run at me.

"Oh shit!" I shouted.

I screamed and dropped the ball and ran.

****Bennys POV****

We ran after them.

I'm worried for her life cuz it's all my fault.

We saw an alley with pushed over trash cans.

"They went this way!" Ham shouted.

Then we saw the theatre and it had a broken window.

"In there!" Bertram shouted.

Then we saw the "Picnic In The Park" thing.

It was all messed up.

"Through here!" I yelled.

"Y/n!" We all shouted.

Then ran after them again.

Then we saw them run passed us at the pool.

"Watch out! SANDLOT GO!" Y/n yelled running still.

We made it there.

"Where is she?"

"I don't see them."

The boys said.

"I wonder if she's okay."

"She better be," Benny said to the person that said that.

"There!" Smalls shouted pointing at Y/n with the dog right behind her.

By the look on her face she was exhausted.

She jumped on the fence and over it.

Landing on her back... Again.

Poor thing.

The dog just busted through it like it was nothing.

Then the fence started falling.

"LOOK OUT!" She shouts at the dog.

Then the fence collapsed on the dog.

Creating a huge dust cloud.

The dog started whimpering.

Y/n walked over to the dog and attempted to lift up the fence by herself.

"Come on guys help me! Please!" Y/n begged.

No one came to help.

"Benny! Help me please! He's hurt!" She begged me.

I broke.

I couldn't say no to her.

We both lifted the fence off the dog.

And he crawled out.

*****Y/N's POV*****

I fell to my knees exhausted.

Then I felt hot breath on the back of my neck.

I slowly turned my head to see the Beast.

The boys gasped scared.

Benny jumped up and got ready to hit him.

We had a stare down.

I was scared.

Then he leaned in and started licking my face.

"EWE!" I shouted grossed out.

The boys stared in disbelief.

The dog stopped licking me and walked over to his hole.

I followed along with Benny and the boys.

It was all the baseballs ever hit over that fence.

"Now we can play forever," Benny said.


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