Saving Demi

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Collab with stay-alive-please

Maya's Point of View:

I'm running quickly through the streets. I can't take this anymore.. My heart is racing, and my chest is hurting.. I can't believe Missy would say that to me!!!

What did i do? Why did I have the urge every day of my life to kill myself. Did I deserve the pain in my chest that never leaves. Missy says, I'm fat, I'm ugly, it's all true but why does she have to say it. The fact she told the whole class I cut hurts the worst, we used to actually be friends. I look down at my arms that are covered with scars, and I try my best to cover them up. She has no idea what i'm going through.. My dad abuses me at home. Every person I ever get close to leave me, even my own mother...She didn't want me, and so one day, she left me, and I watched her leave.. I will never forget that horrible day.. "I'm done Maya!" she had told me.She told me she didn't care. I was only at the age of four. I thought she loved me. But those last words she said stung the most.
All of these memories are pounding through my head as I keep running. Away..away from everything that was hurting me. No one loved me, and whenever they tell me they do.. They leave and then another piece of my heart dies.. But, today is the day all the pain goes away...I've decided to take my life.. I want to leave this cruel and terrible world.. And go to a place where no one will ever hurt me again. Even eating hurt, each bite I took hurt me. "Fat, Ugly, worthless, Slut. That's all I hear when I eat" Tears run down my face. My heart pounds faster with every street I cross and the end draws near... I can feel it, but my eyes closed, tears fall and memories come flooding back to me...

When I open my eyes, I can't believe what I'm seeing! It's Demi Lovato, she's walking down the streets, but she's covering her face. The paparazzi and fans are closing in on her, and there's yelling and so much chaos. I know my way around her, I run to her as fast as I can and grab her wrist and pull her into some kind of hotel room. My breathing my getting hard, but my eyes caught Demi and I tried to not be a fangirl.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much for saving me!!" Demi exclaims. She looks at me, and I see concern in her eyes. "Hey sweetheart, is everything okay?" she asks.

Demi's Point of View:
I look into her eyes, I saw the same hurt I was going through when I was in rehab. I can't help but not think that I was meant to help her... "Um.. I'm fine" the little girl says. She won't look into my eyes. In my heart I knew something was going on, I wished she'd tell me."Well, thank you so much for rescuing me," I tell her, and I mean it from my heart. Those fans and paparazzi were saying a lot of things that were hurting me. I was nearly going to cry. Maya looked at me hesitant. She said "Cry? Yeah, i get you... I'm sorry about what they said they're just jealous, you're really amazing and many people wish to be just like you after all you help many people with just one sound of yours." That was the sweeting thing that I've heard in awhile. I smile at her. "Thank you so much, that means a lot to me, what is your name?" I ask her. "My name is Maya, Maya Hart," she says. "Maya, that's such a pretty name, I'm Demi, Demi Lovato. I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me?" I ask her.
I reach out my hand. Maya hesitates, but then she takes it, and we walk out of the hotel. The fans are gone, thank goodness. We walk to a nearby restaurant, and when we get inside, she sits down in front of me.

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