ch.2 : the 'fall' of mika and ride of gem blaze

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"Come on Mika eat" Jack said trying to get Mika to eat something

Mika shook her head as she pushed the plate away no" she said as she crossed her arms

Jack pushed it back. They continued the 'game' until Jack was fed up. He walked out of the kitchen and into the garage after a few minutes of arguing with arcee he finally convinced her to use her holoform for once

"Can't you try?" Jack had asked

Arcee had given in and with a grumble she switched on her holoform and walked into the kitchen with jack.

Mika looked up from 'pouting' she looked at arcee arcee wore a dark pink shirt with a black leather jacket along with black skinny jeans with black and pink boots

"So Jack tells me you won't eat do you want to tell me why?" She asked Mika shook her head and slumped in her seat with her arms still crossed arcee waved Jack out of the room knowing she wasn't going to get anything out of Mika with jack on the room. With a reluctant now Jack headed out of the kitchen."now will you tell me?"

Mika shook her head again. Arcee sighed she thought of a new approach. "So what do you like todo?" She asked

Mika looked at her. "I like to color and watch tv and movies" she mumbled

" what movie and tv show is your favorite" arcee pressed on

Mika uncrossed her arms and sat up straight "I like victorious and winx club" a small smile grew on her face  " and I like to watch winx club secret of the lost kingdom"

Who are your favorite characters?"

Mika absentminded picked up a chicken nugget from her plate and took a bite, arcee smiled as she had made a small break through "my favorite characters from winx club is Stella flora and musa and from victorious I like rex the puppet Trina tori kat and andre" she put the rest of the chicken nugget in her mouth.

After what seemed like billions of questions arcee asked her Mika had eaten all ten chicken nuggets that wore on her plate

"Now promise me you'll eat more for jack?" She asked

Mika looked down at her plate slightly confused about the question but soon realized why she asked. She slowly nodded

Arcee nodded "if you ever need me just tell Jack to call me" and with that she stood up and walked out before her holoform disappeared she said "mission accomplished" to Jack


Jack walked into the kitchen and was surprised. Mika had eaten all her food Mika slowly stood up and walked past Jack she headed into the living room and watched a mini marathon of victorious that was on

The next day

Mika awoke to the soft drone of the tv. Some where in the night the channel was turned from one show to Disney jr. Mika sat up and rubbed her eyes she noticed Jack was still home, as evidence was his motercycle helmet sitting on the coffee table. She stood up and yawned. The blanket that that was around her slid into the couch Mika walked into the kitchen to find Jack on his phone. Jack shoved a pop tart into mikas hand and shooed her out quickly she heard "unless you want me to being her to base then I have to wait until my mom get a off work."

Mika was slightly confused what did Jack mean by 'base'? Mika had a feeling there was more to it then that. She didn't know what through.

Mika opened the pop tart and looked it. Part of her didn't want to eat it but the other half was wanting to eat it. With a small hesitation she pulled one of the poptarts out and broke a peace off and put it in her mouth after a while she begain to eat the rest

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