ch.12 Getting attatched

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A/N: soooooo here's another chapter :3 keep a look out for another story comming! i will tell you one little thing about the story. the story stairs Mallory' from Heartland i figured it would be a fun little plot to play around with XD

As mika came to she let out a silent yawn as she sat up. As she rubbed her eye with one hand she looked around to see where she was, expecting to have fallen asleep in the cell once again she expected to see the interior of the cell she was in and to see Ravage curled up by the door. When she saw none of that she slightly began to panic. What had happened? Suddenly taking mika out of her thoughts the door slid open and in walked a unknown (to mika) 'Bot. Not knowing what to do she began to back away until she she nearly fell off the edge of the birth she was on but quickly catching herself she managed to position herself correctly. The 'bot -being arcee- stood there for a few seconds before taking a step forward. Careful not to cause her to fall she stuck to the edges of the wall in hopes of not spooking her to badly

"It's ok I won't hurt you" she said Mika looked at her for a few seconds before slowly nodding she still didn't move from her spot. Arcee who took this chance stepped forward "you want down?" she asked realizing that she was looking down and then back up obviously trying to decide if she could jump. Mika nodded yet again Arcee placed her servo and nodded to her "Jump on" she said Mika was hesitant at first but soon stood up and walked over then climbed onto her waiting servo. Mika was quick to hold onto one of her digits in fear of falling Arcee carefully lowered her servo to the ground and waited for her to climb off when she suddenly heard jack's voice

"I got the pop tart, ratchet said she could-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw mika was awake "Mika" he breathed part of him thought he would never see his adoptive little sister ever again (again) Mika quickly jumped down from Arcee's servo and ran over to him hugging him. They stood like that for a few seconds before jack pulled away "Here" he said holding the poptart out to her "You slepped for a long time so I figured you were probably hungry." tMika took the poptart and opened it she then bit into the pop tart "And by the way i brought some of your stuff that you like to do considering how your probably going to be here for a while" He held out another bag (her original bag was still with soundwave) that was pink and purple in color and had star's all over it much like a galaxy. Mika took it and unzipped it. Inside she found a couple of her favorite movies along with a coloring book and crayons a few of her dolls (monster high this time), snacks, and a few sets of cloths. To tell jack think you she emidly hugged him causing him to slightly laugh "So i'm guessing you want to watch one of the movies?" he asked.

Mika thought for a moment before quickly nodded Jack smiled and picked one out "c'mon i'll show you the catwalk and where everything is" he said.


Mika had original followed jack but soon stopped when she heard other voices she looked around and saw Ratchet talking to optimus not knowing what to do she stood there "Mika you doing ok?" jack asked. Jack knew that when she was nervous she was usually say nothing (in this case literally) and do nothing meaning she would just stand there. She stared up at the orange and white autobot who seemed to scan her with an unknown alien like object. Unable to say anything she looked between jack and the two robot.

"Oh that's just Ratchet and optimus don't worry they're harmless" he said trying to comfort her. "Don't worry" he said again. Mika turned to face jack. She crossed her arms to say 'Is this where you come to when you're not watching me?' even if she didn't say it jack knew she was asking it. He sighed "Yeah this is where i go" He said sheepishly Now that she knew where jack disappeared to and where she figured she would to in the future she began to understand. "You probably have a lot more questions" Jack said as he rubbed his neck nervously

Mika nodded, taking out a notebook she had found she wrote in crayon 'what is going on' in messy hand writing Jack (with the help of Arcee) had told her what was going on after she slightly freaked out at the thought of soundwave -whom she trusted- was supposedly the bad guy. How could someone treat her so nicely be so evil?" she refused to accept that soundwave was a bad guy, but to keep them thinking like she agreed and simply nodded her head and agreed she would be careful not to get caught by them even though she knew that was a lie. "Why don't we just watch one of your movies?" he asked Mika nodded as a small smile formed on her face.


Mika yawned tiredly once again, 'Tired?' Gemblaze asked as her ghost like form appeared next to mika Mika nodded tiredly Gem blaze smiled slightly even though they wore surrounded by the worst thing possible (in gem blazes opinion) she couldn't help but smile as she looked at the twelve year old in front of her Gem blaze thought of mika as a sister like figure to her even if she was human and a hole nother speicies. "You know you are sitting on a couch you could just take a nap." As iff on cue mika laid down on the couch and listened to the sound of monster high : Friday night frights that played on the tv.


Decepticon HQ

The decepticon warship, The Nemesis was relatively quiet with it being nightfall already most 'cons retreated to their Birth rooms for the night, Few decepticons such as Soundwave, megatron,and of course starscream wore still up. The angered screams of the war lord himself wore heard suddenly causing those who were in recharge and those who wore still up to jump in slight surprise at the sudden noise

"You what?" megatron road at the seeker in front of him.

Starscream who now cowered away slightly from the seeker managed a small scream. "B-But my lord!" he screeched "I-I tried everything to stop them I can't help it when the Femme nearly tried to kill me!"

Megatron who wasn't happy with the answer he was given roard in hanger "How could you possibly let them escape especially with the girl!" he yelled "you know how important the pathetic human was to the plan!"

"B-But master please you must understand i also let them go for a reason! You can't possibly think that i would do that without planting a bug and tracker on the girl in the first place."

Megatron seemed intrigued by this "Tell me star scream how are you going to find this girl now?" he asked

"Well you see, m-master when soundwave activates it you'll be able to hear what is being said through the bug and able to tell where the human child is through the tracker, when she's out and away from the pathetic autobot base it will be easy to snatch her especially after the pathetic 'school' she attends will be over with"

Megatron thought for a moment before saying : "you managed to save your self this time starscream that is one thing for sure but if you screw up one more time your helm will be mounted on the wall."


Arcee was out on her 'nightly protroll' once again Having read a few readings of energon on the radar a few minutes before and also calling it in Instead of her taking care of it Bumblebee and bulkhead wore sent out to the coordinates Thankful that bumblebee was getting restless having to sit at base for so long she was able just to consider her patrol as a lazy drive (as mika had put it) Ever once in awhile she couldn't help but wonder what even made her think of mika like her own child in the first place. It was true she was different from most twelve year old but she also acted like a normal twelve year old. Arcee could only guess that she thought of her that way because she reminded her of her long time friend Gem blaze at least did until she went rogue and joined the decepticons after that day Arcee was never the same. Sighing slightly to herself she flipped on her 'hologram' (not her holo-form) as she rode into Jasper

"Don't get attached" she mumbled to herself "you can't get attached to a human child" she mumbled Even though she knew she was already attached


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