ch.11 Disaster?

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A/N: Soooooooo ello ppl! Welcome to another chapter! Hope you're enjoying the story so far, planning on editing chapter's from the beginning so the next update after this might or might be a chapter most likely just me going back through chapters adding stuff and deleting stuff so fair warning about that but other then that just sit back and read :3 so rate/like/add? Comment?


As the gunfire grew closer mika perked up slightly she heard several door's open and close before she saw a yellow 'bot shooting back a few vehicons 'Bumblebee' Mika thought to herself she widen her eyes in surprise how did she know this bot? It wasn't like she remembered ever coming face-to-face with said bot. As bumblebee 'talked' Mika couldn't help but grow nervous as she saw ravage outside the main door to her cell. In a flash Ravage was up and attacking bumblebee who in turn fought back against the panther-like decepticon.

'Bee did you-" Arcee's voice was heard but soon cut herself off when she saw mika cowering away in fear in a corner of the cell, quickly, not wasting a second arcee's arm transformed into a blaster. She shot off the lock and pushed open the cybertronian sized door "Mika are you ok?" she asked momentarily forgetting the fact that mika couldn't talk almost immediately she scooped Mika up in her servos "we'll get you out of here" she said she turned back to bumblebee who in turn looked at her (He had managed to fend of ravage) Who in turn tried coming the base only to receive static on the other end Cursing to herself in cybertronian, Arcee took off followed by Bumblebee


Ratchet typed furiously on the computer screen while Raf did his best to hack into the Nemesis shields "They upgraded since last time" he said as the screen flashed red once again for the umptieenth time. He sighed to himself as he thought for a minute. He then went back to typing before smiling as the screen turned green "I'm in!" he exclaimed. He the took out a adaptor cable from his bag and plugged one end into his computer and the other to Ratchet's. Before ratchet could do anything The emergency comm went off causing Raf to nearly jump a few feet in surprise Arcee's voice was heard as she sounded almost desperate.

"Ratchet i need a ground bridge now!" She yelled over the com Gunfire could be heared it was obviously the decepticons wore trying a great deal to get back their 'hostage' A Furious roar sounded from the other end followed by more gunfire "Now!' she yelled Ratchet quickly typed in the coordinates and pulled down the lever to activate the ground bridge. One by one Team prime came through followed bumblebee , and arcee followed by bulkhead and Optimus who came through last last

Jack who stood at the end of the cat walk looked up at arcee "Did you find her?" he asked, in response Acree uncurled her servo to reveal mika who uncurled from a 'death ball' and looked around. It was obvious she was scared and nervous about being by more cybertronians who she didn't know too well but it was also obvious that she was somehow drained of energy causing jack to grow nervous

Raf who was watching from his perch on Ratchets desk looked at her "She looks like she about to fall over" he said "And i don't think that's normal considering how she was fine just two seconds ago" he added Mika who tiredly looked around, She saw several bots looking at her one in a worried way as she yawned tiredly and shook her head to keep herself awake she saw none of the Gem blaze who seemed to grow nervous also at the fact that her ghost like form seemed to fizzle in and out. Herself who wasn't to sure what was going on Being dead and in the presence of the autobots wasn't helping anything.

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