ch.10 Finding Mika

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A/N : welcome to the universe of my head where ideas come randomly and other weird.... Things... happen XD lol If you're a new reader i would like to welcome you to Transformers Prime: Gemblaze! If you're a past reader who has been here since the beginning i congrats you for putting up with my horrible writing xD Anyways....... rate/like ad to your reading list? Something comment? Plz? Plz!?!?!??!?! Also pretty sure im going to have to go back and rewrite a few chapters to make it 'match' with the this chapter. I changed a few things and added a plot twist *at the end of this chapter!* because mainly it was an idea of mine that i got while sitting in STEM class XD Don't judge me!


As the Days drowned Arcee continued to stare at the wall She was still mad at herself for losing mika and not getting mika to trust her more. She thought that mika had put enough trust in her but she was wrong. It was obvious she trusted soundwave more than her which broke the autobot's spark. There were many times that one of the autobots would try and get her to come out of her room. All times failing, Ratchet even tried which only resulted in a rench nearly hitting Ratchet instead of arcee. Cubes of energon wore left by Arcee's door but after a few day's they begin to stack up. Not one was moved from their spot which worried Ratchet greatly considering he was a medic and cared about everyone's health greatly. Jack had even tried to convince her only to receive no answer from the femme bot.

Suddenly arcee's Private comlink channel went off as she pressed a digit to the side of her audio receptor she was surprised not to hear anybody on the other end. But soon somehow managed to put two and two together "Mika?" she asked even though she knew she wouldn't get a answer


Mika stared at the wall. For once the pre-teen was quiet, barely saying a word to anybody or anything. The few times she saw lazerbeak wore almost like mini treats just to see something. Mika stared around her confined cell for the millionth time before getting up and walking over to the desk in the middle of the room As she took a closer look at the desk she noticed a few draws towards the bottom she opened one and found paper and a pencil along with a few crayon's. In the second draw she found a charger and guessed that it went to the cybertronian I-pad in the last draw she found nothing but a few extra screws a bobby pin and a paper clip. Sitting down in the chair she picked up the 'Ipad' and quickly found the on button, she watched as the screen came to life. She scrolled through the many pages of the ipad until she found what she was looking for. Games. She saw a lot of earth based games but also some she had never seen before. ONe that she hadn't looked to be a type of alphabet game. She pressed it and heard a small tune almost like it was singing the alphabet only saying the letters differently

As the music played multiple symbols appeared on the screen followed by smaller letters towards the bottom. Mika knew the small ones wore earth based alphabet but she didn't know about the bigger symbols. But then, as if something clicked, she realized that it had to have been in cybertronian language. As soon as the song stopped dotted lines appeared on the screen seeming to take the shape of the first symbol she had saw she placed a finger at a green dot and soon began to follow the dotted lines. 'Cool' she silently thought


After a few hours mika heard the subtle tapping sound of someone tapping on the wall. She looked towards the east wall and saw a small hole in the wall almost like a brick out of place or a window carved in. It was obvious someone was trying to get her attention. Cautiously she looked around and saw no bot then she walked over to the wall she heard faint whispering. "Your mika right?" a male voice asked it was obvious it was a older male just by the voice Mika nodded her head hesitantly "the one who can't talk?" the man went on mika nodded again " I'm sure you've heard of me. I am Silus leader of MECH." Mika tilted her head she was slightly confused why was there someone else here? After a few minutes of listening to silus drown on about mika backed away obviously bored causing silus to growl what ever he was trying to tell her must have been important for him to act like that.

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