ch.4 slight trouble

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Mika laid off to the side of spundwaves giant deal coloring in her coloring book how Soundwave had gotten a hold of the bag she took on trips is beyond her. Her bag was mostly black with blie lightning bolts on it. Mika mainly cept her winx club coloring book three of of favorite winx club dolls along with craons a few markers and a small note pad.

Mika looked up as Soundwave yet again placed a human sized cup of energon in front of her it had been a few hours sence she had energon. Mika still had no idea what the blue liquid was but didn't question it considering it tasted like the blue coolaid she likes.

As Mika sat up long enough to take a drink of it sn e soon dropped the cup in surprise as a alarm started to blare through out the base. She covered her ears to help get rid of the loudness. When ever a alarm like that blared it usaly ment a autobot had gotten on board.


"Check again!" Jack said for the millionth time that day.

Ratchet grumbles "I've checked and rechecked a lot Jack shes- wait got something"

Jack perked up as did arcee and bumblebee ratchet walked over to the ground bridge and entered the cordinents to the nemisis

"Autobots, lets transform and roll out!" Optimus said as they all did just that and drive through the groundbridge


As the autobots entered the nemisis they wore met by fireing drones. As bu mblebee and arcee broke off one way optimus and bulkhead along with smokescreen went the other way. As arcee and bu mblebee ran tbrough the many jals of the nemasis they finnaly reached a door that was locked as arcee shot the lock bumblebee pried open the door. He let out a surprised sqeek as he was shot back away from the door by none other then the dicepticon comunications officer Soundwave.

Arcee steped infront and quickly shot at sound while a few shots hit him he was unfazed by them.

Lazerbeak detatched from soundwaves chasis and flew over to where Mika was hiding. As he landed behind the cybertronian sized crate he saw just how terrified Mika was. Mika was shaking uncontrolably while tears wore streaming down her cheeks and she was silently hyperventalating. He did his best to calm her down but nothing was working. Before he knew it he was shot in the back by arcee causing the cybertronian bird to go flying

Mika who staired in horror as her friend was shot simply staired up at arcee for a few seconds before backing up as far as she could. As arcee reached down to gently pick her up she was forcibly pulled away by a tentical that had wrapped around her frame as arcee struggled to get free she came face to face with soundwave. Soundwave who staired at her for a few seconds throw her into the far wall. Bumblebee took this chance qnd jumped on soundwaves bqcl causing him to fall forward because of the sudden impact.

"Get Mika and go!" Bublebee said in a series of beeps and whirls

Arcee simply nodded as she stood up. As soon as she caught a clumps of mika she relised it wasn't even mika! A cybertronian stood where Mika once was curled up. "So guessing you wornt exspecting me?" Gem-blaze asked with a smirk

Arcee staired at her for a few seconds before remembering what she was supposed to-do "where's mika" she demanded

"Your looking at her" gem-blaze said with a the same smirk on her face

arcee was taken back how was this bit mika? How was she a cyberteonian. Arcee was confused "how can you be Mika when she's human?" She asked/challenged

"Ever heard of a cyber-human?" Gem blaze asked as she through a punxh at arcee hitting her in the helm

Arcee staggered back a few feet before regaining traction "Yeah their only myths through" arcee took a few steps forward be for hitting gem-blaze with egual force

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