ch6: impostors

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Mika couldn’t help but sigh inwardly as she stared at the paper in front of her. Math. she was never one that was good at math. Even basic math she struggled with. “Mika you can do it, what’s three plus three” Miss Edward encouraged her mika looked up at her teacher. Miss edward was a middle aged woman. She wore a black skirt with a blue shirt tucked into her skirt” What is it?” she asked with a soft smile Mika thought for a moment before slumping in her seat. She shrugged her shoulders obviously irritated at the fact she even had to do math in the first place Miss. Edward sighed “try counting on your fingers again” she suggested Mika nodded and followed miss edward’s lead. She soon held up six fingers to signal that the answer was six. Miss edward smiled “All right you did it!” she said proudly. If it wasn’t obvious before it was now. Mika wasn’t your average sixth grader, of course because of her learning disabilities she was only at about a first grade level in school.

        Miss Edward picked up her paper right as the bell rang, ‘well pick this up on monday, mika” she said with a smile Mika nodded as she put away her things into the small desk. She put a few things into her bag before finally lifting it and putting her bag on and heading for the door “Don’t forget to practice!” Miss edward called after her. Mika turned and smiled then with a nod she turned back around and headed for the door. She found Jack already there which surprised mika quite a bit considering he was always talking with his friends which was also why he was always late with picking mika up, but this time Jack seemed a little bit…. Off. He stood there for a second before grabbing ahold of mika’s hand and almost pulling her away. As mika tugged on jack's arm signalling for him to stop jack only glanced down at her then forward once again. This wasn’t the jack mika knew! The jack she knew was gentle and kind with her never forceful or on time! Mika knew something was up

        Mika pulled her arm from jack’s grasp and quickly backed away “Mika, it’s fine” He said Mika frowned as she stepped back she quickly backed away she knew something was up. Jack sighed obviously aggravated “Mika, look there wore sightings of…. Giant robots we need to go” he said being straightforward about it Mika looked at him but then crossed her arms and shook her head to say ‘no’ jack sighed once again and finally stalked up to her. Grabbed a arm and pulled her towards a Aston Martin. She knew that car way to good. She quickly kicked jack away and once again turned to run, only for jack to reach over and grab ahold of her backpack. She quickly shook off her backpack and ran she stopped a yard away and looked back. It seemed that jack wasn’t even ‘jack’ at all! She watched as the face of jack peeled back to form a robotic face, then in a flash she saw a panther like decepticon in ‘jack's’ place “I knew i shouldn’t have brought the stupid cat’’ a voice mumbled. Mika was genuinely scared. She swallowed nervously then quickly took off once she saw the panther like con come after her


        jack stood outside Miss. Edwards special ed class he tapped his foot nervously “c’mon mika we don’t have all day my mom’s going to kill me if we’re not back when she said we wore supposed to” he mumbled. He half way sighed in relief as he saw the door open “Mika, we-” he cut himself off “Oh Miss Edward, have you sean mika?” he asked

        Miss edward seemed confused, “you came and got her earlier jack.” she said She quickly walked past him it was obvious she was wanting to leave school

        Jack nodded “Right’’ he said nervously. Something didn’t seem right.



        Jack stood outside Miss. Edwards special ed class he tapped his foot nervously “c’mon mika we don’t have all day my mom’s going to kill me if we’re not back when she said we wore supposed to” he mumbled. He half way sighed in relief as he saw the door open “Mika, we-” he cut himself off “Oh Miss Edward, have you sean mika?” he asked

        miss. edward seemed confused, “you came and got her earlier jack.” she said She quickly walked past him it was obvious she was wanting to leave school

        Jack nodded “Right’’ he said nervously. Something didn’t seem right.


        “Arcee, can you-”

        “Not now jack!” arcee said cutting him off “a little busy at the moment!” she said as she shot a few vehicons offlining a few.

        “You wouldn’t have happened to see me and mika anywhere wouldn’t you?” he asked

        “Jack, if this is about last week and the cardboard cut out mika had made of you i would not bring that up right now!”

        “It’s not about that and-and how do you even know about that?” Jack asked slightly confused

        “Mika doesn’t know her volume level for speaking” Arcee said

        Jack blinked then shook his head to focus once again. “No but i went to mika’s teacher and she said that I had already picked her up”

        Arcee frowned “how could you have-” she backed flipped over a vehicon that had come up behind her “Ben there if you wore doing whatever you were doing” she asked

        “That’s the thing! I never came and got her! You don’t think that it’s the Decepticons do you?” he asked

        Arcee shrugged “Wouldn’t put it past them to try something” she said


        As jack was talking to arcee he was suddenly pushed aside by none other than mika herself “Mika? and giant metal.. cat thing?" Jack asked horrified.

        "Metal cat?" Jack heard arcee ask her self from the other end "scrap" she said with a sigh, Mika was most likely being chased by none other then Ravage

question 1: Dragonfire prime
" Whats with mika? Why is sw. And laser nice? "
A: it's all in the story :3 >:) (meaning i wont tell!) 

​​​​​​Confession 3:
-I got the idea for the whole spirit thing from the original Yu-Gi-Oh. (the one with yugi, atem, kaiba etc...) 

Confession 4: 
-i wrote this while watching Asethine and her back ground music in her vid kinda made me thing of the chase part of the story for some reason. lol it also made me think of putting ravage in this for some reason.

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