ch.20 Saying good by to family and friends.

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//A/n Welcome to the last chapter. hope you have enjoyed this story! I'm pretty sure there's going to be a sequel and the sequel will take place in RID2014! warning through if there is a sequel there might be a few dark themes to it but it will mostly be about a sparkling (you can guess who ;)) and when i say sparkling i mean latterly a child. Until then i hope you have enjoyed this fan fic! be sure to check out my other fan fics!

Arcee sat next to the med bay. It had now been more then a month scene megaton had been defeated. They had postpone their trip to cybertron as of Gem blaze wasn't exactly Functional at the moment and moving her would only cause more damage to her. Ratchet had described her situation as 'a touch and go' meaning if they moved her she may stop breathing or something more serious. Arcee had been in the med bay for a while waiting in hope for her child to wake up but of course she hadn't so Arcee put up a fight with Ratchet when he had told her she had to leave. That only took about three bot's to get her away not to mention a tranquilizer. Now she sat on a crate waiting for Ratchet to give the ok for her to go in again.

"Can't wait can you?" smoke screen asked with a smirk

Arcee nearly jumped ten feet into the air, she had not been expecting anyone to be down here especially if the humans wore there. "Yeah a little bit" she admitted.

Smoke screen thought for a moment. "she'll be fine, she'll wake up i know she will" He said

Arcee nodded "I hope your right, every so often i can feel her through the-" She stopped her self.

"Through what? A bond? Did you make a bond with Mika?" he asked

Arcee debated weather to denied it or tell the truth, figuring at this point she had nothing to lose. she nodded her head "yeah a bond" she said

"there's nothing wrong with creating a bond, If i had a child i would to" smoke screen said.

Suddenly the Med bay doors slid open, almost instantly Arcee stood up "careful around her, she has improved a lot sense last week she's now moving around in her sleep, but i still want her monitored, if something happens i want you to get me right away." he said " but still be careful around her as usual. and that goes for you Smoke screen."

Smokescreen put his servo's up in defense "sorry i just wanted to go in i didn't mean to almost hit her with a wrench YOU threw" he defended.

Ratchet sighed "just be careful" he said walking past

Walking in to the med bay Arcee flinched slightly still. She was used to seeing GemBlazes/mika's mangled form but of cores she still flinched anyway. Mika was slowly healing but there was no telling how long it would take once again. But of cores none of that mattered to Arcee. Sitting down next to her she, she took her servo in hers and gently squeezed it. "You do realize she probably wont feel that." smoke screen said standing next to her

Arcee looked at the young warrior with a deadpan look before quickly looking back to mika who's arm twitched. Arcee decided to try something. she squeezed her servo gently and was shocked to receive a small but weak squeeze back. she nearly jumped ten feet with a small mumble was heard. Arcee looked to smoke screen. "go get ratchet now!" she said Smokescreen nodded and did as he was told. Arcee turned back to mika "c'mon open your eyes you can do it" she said quitly. another mumble was heared from mika as Ratchet walked in. she twiched once again as she tried with all her might to move but only resolted in twitches.

Ratchet's optics widen "By the all spark..." he said slowly "she wasn't supposed to be awake until a few months have passed" he whispered

Ratchet got to work disconnecting a few wires from her, just so she could at least move more easily. "c'mon move again, try moving again." he said quietly. Mika's optics twitched again, as her right arm moved slightly. she lifted it up as her optics finaly opened to revel a mixture of pink and purple optics. "M-Moma?" she questions as arcee Mearly nodded trying not to brake down in happy tears.

"I'm here" she said

Mika looked around the room to see Smokescreen looking at her along with Ratchet. "huts.." was all she could manage. it was obvious everything she did was painful for her.

"I know" arcee said. she couldn't help but smile at mika even if she was in pain. As mika tried to sit up slow pained tears flowed down her cheeks

"Yap, yap, yap! no you can't sit up!" Ratchet nearly shreeked causing mika to flinch and shrink back, which also caused Arcee to glare at him. "Be nice!" she hissed

Ratchet sighed as he checked a few monitors, Mika suddenly leaned back onto the cybertronian bed she was on. Arcee nearly had a panick attack until Ratchet suddenly said "she's fine she's just tired and under stress" he said nonchalantly Arcee looked to Mika who's optics wore not half open. She smiled at her. even if she wasn't technacly her's she was still happy that she was there, and slowly healing.


Two months have passed since mika's accident. Mika was now walking and talking (of course talking with Gem blazes voice) She was existed to see cybertron but also sad to say goodby to her new found earth friends and family, she was currently talking with jack, the once strong teen now looked as if he would brake down in cray right there. Mika had to hold back a laugh as she lifted jack onto the catwalk. "Just promise me you wont pull a miko like i think you will" jack asked smiling a sad smile.

Mika nodded "I wont" she said

As each human said good by to their guardians and one by one they all went through the ground bridge, mika going in second two last, she transformed down to her human size and quickly gave jack a hug which he gladly returned. "Your still my sister even if you don't think so" he said "come back and visit" jack added added as he let go. Mean while miko and raf both wore crying. Mika nodded "Will do big bro" she chirped. Transforming to cybertronian she waved one last time to the humans, before waving good by to ratchet (who had decided to stay after all) and headed through the ground bridge to her new home. Where ever that was.

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