ch.16 into the spiders web.

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A few months passed and everything was going relatovly smoothly for the autobots. A few new faces wore receuted (being wheel Jack and smokescrean) while old faces wore still as cranky as ever. Energon was relativly easy to find, decepticons wore at a all time low. Things seemed to be grate. But if corse one bit knew it wouldn't last. That one bit being optimus prime. Optimus knew it was a matter of time before the next attack or before something would happen. Something had told him things would begain to slowly sprile down hill and there was nothing he could do to stop it

Mika yawned tiredly as she leaned on the bars of the cat walk and watched her hamster run around in its hamster ball around the base. Jack had recently braught her hamster from their house to base when he noticed Mika looking a little avagated twards everybody for random reasons. The hamster was a gray and white winter white dorf hamster. June had baught her the hamster to help her cope with past experiences once she had found out what her past was like figuring that it would help her. She had named said hamster Zazu. Zazu was a Bird from the lion king a classic movie that Mika loved to watch.

"And the small.. thing in the ball would be....?" Arcee asked as zazu bumped into her ped for the umpteenth time

"It's a hamster" Raf said speaking up from the catwalk where he played a racing game with miko. Sighing slightly he put down the controller after miko had won for the tenth time in a row. He the then turned to Arcee "Hamsters are from most desert reagions" raf said smiling as the small creature ran into the wall

Mika looked at Jack as if to ask 'talk for me?' Jack nodded. Before the 'incident', he said refuring to when Mika was almost killed "my mom through it would be a good idea to get her a pet and sence she didn't really find anything she likes Mika finnaly settled on a hamster. After we got home she named it Zazu, after the Bird in the lion king movie" he said Mika nodded and with a tired smile she yawned "I don't understand how you can be tired when you just woke up." Jack added smiling slightly and shaking his headmika smiled as if to say 'I can't help it'

Suddenly the alarm sounded ervery bot and human looked to ratchet who had his back turned to the group. 'Energon signal" he said like it was normal

Milk looked to optimus with a pleading look "can we go?" She asked slightly bouncing on her feet

optimus thought for a moment before missing his head "I do beilve it will be all right but all through I would ask your guardians first"

Miko looked to bulkhead asking her obvisly silent question. Bulkhead rubbed the back of his neck nervosly "I don't know miko remember last time?" He asked

Mika shrugged "that was last time through can I please go?!"

Bulkhead looked to Arcee and bumblbee who both only nodded "fine" he said

Miko pumped her fists into the air" all right!" She exsclaimed

Arcee shook her head before looking at Mika who was standing up "you stay and recharge" she said Mika rolled her eyes and mouthed the word 'meanie' before turning away and sitting on the couch with a silent huff
As Arcee, bulkhead and bumblebee came through the groundbridge fowlowed by miko jack and raf

"This is going to be so awsome!" Milo exsclaimed "Assuming we don't run into cons of corse she" added

"Ninty-nine percent of the time we do run into at least one com miko" jack said

"Wait who for being a downer" Miko mumbled crossing her arms

"Ever body split up we're cover more ground" Arcee said the others nodded each human going with their guardians in different direction.
"So WhY so quit all the sidden?" Jack asked, stepping over a log

" I can't quit put a digit on it but these woods seem familiar" Arcee mumbled.

The landscape before then was mostly moss covered trees and ground. Trees surrounded the hole aira, no one was in sight exsept of corse Jack and Arcee.

"Famarlier?" Jack asked "How-"

Jack was cut off when arcee cursed "These woods are the woods we've been to before" she said looking at a web that obvisly didn't come from a earth spider. Arcee looked down at Jack "find the others call base and get a ground bridge" she said

"But-" Jack begain be fire he was interupted

"Well if it some Arcee and her pet" a female voice called from some where above them

"Scrap" arcee mumbled knowing who it wasshe looked down at Jack once again "Jack run." She said her voice calm. Jack nodded and took off from the direction they came from.

Arcee gritted her denta's in slight annoyance "Airacknid" she said "what do you want this time?"

"Nothing much....this tome" she begain apearing infront of arcee " just hear to tell you about a little problem that you will soon have" she said nonshalontly

"Promble? What problem?" She asked keeping her guard up

Airachnid was quit before smirking slightly " The fallen will fall once again" she said

Arcee staired at her " and what's-" she was cut off when a 'spider leg nearly sent through her spark. Dodging it quickly she took cover behind a tree before transforming her right arm into a blaster and soon comming out from behind the tree, aiming only to see no one

"To bad you won't be alive long enough to figure out the rest" Airachnods voice rang out

Arcee growled shooting at a bluer the went by her only to hit a tree. It became quit causing arcee to stop. With out warnin arcees blaster was pushed up againts a trunk of a tree by a spider's web. She strggled to pull her servo out of the webbing only for her other hand to be caught in a second layer of webbing

"Look at poor little Arcee, stuck and no where to go." Airachnid said with a smirk as she apeared infront of Arcee. " This is the end of the line for you" she said just as a needle like appended shot out and perirced arcee through the aid nearly missing her spark. Wharton begain to roll down her side" pitty I missed your spark." Arachnod said with a mock sigh " These your just going to have to suffer now. Have fun" she said with a laugh as she quickly bolted away leaving arcee to die


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