ch.17 Into the line of fate. pt1

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A/N : sooo beginning part is not my best writing. We 're slowly/not slowly coming to the end. But if you really like this story. There might be a sequel the sequel will take place in RID2015 time. Comment now if you want a sequel!

Also apparent people don't know the story line (someone asked me what the story line was on Q.) there's technically not story line at the beginning until i think of one i write just to write for fun. but as the story goes one there is one. If you haven't noticed the story line now you will soon. Just be patient ppl!  story line is a working progress! (and yes there is one)


Mika silently mumbled as she woke up. Expecting the others to be back by now she looked around and noticed everybody gone even ratchet. Considering how she couldn't exactly call out to confirm her theory she chose to walked down the cat walk and look around. She took note of Gem Blazes sudden absent in her head sense she didn't heard her when she woke up. Walking to the new bay she didn't see ratchet or even another bot. Slightly growing scared at the thought of being alone. She didn't know what was worse. The fact she was alone or the fact the base began to shake. Mika looked up at the ceiling to see the metal support beans slightly shaking. She watched until one end of a support beam slid out of place as bolts fell to the ground.

Slowly, one by one more bolts fell to the ground along with a few support beams one nearly crushing mika. Silently screaming she dodged the beam. She wasn't as lucky as she was the first time as a beam came down and landed on her causing her to fall to the ground just as rubble fell on-top of her rending her unconscious.
Smokescreen slightly sighed as he pulled Optimus through the ruble. He prayed to primus that he could get optimus out before the deceptions came. Once reachable what would have been the far and of the base he heard rabble began to move some falling some being pushed. As a beam was pushed up a servo liked through the surface before a helm was visible. Smokescreen was at a low for wards. The femme that was pulling her self out of the rubble was none other then Gem blaze. The femme con who tended to haunt smokescreen day and night "you can't be alive...." he said trailing off

GemBlaze smirked as she looked at the newest auto-bot that had recently come few months prior to the attack on base "aww its little smokey!" She said in a mock baby voice.
"Remembor me?"

Smoke screen held back a cringe. He remembered the femme all to well. "Why are you here?" He asked

"The same reason everybody else is. Surviving the war." Gem Blaze said like it was obvious.

"Your s-supposed to b-be dead..."

"Do u really have to go through with this with every bot?" She grumbled to her self. "I am technically dead. But now I'm a spirit and my spirit lives within a human." She said flatly

Smokescreen thought for a moment. Mika.... that Mika girl had to have been the 'human' she was talking about since he knew Jack Miko and raf didn't have anything to-do with spirits. "That Mika girl.... your spirit rests in her doesn't it?"

"Ding ding ding give the mech a prize! That only took five minutes" gem blaze said as she leaned on the hilt of her sniper rifle which caused smokescreen to become uneasy. "Tell you what. I'll let you go now if you leave now" she said

Smoke screan stared at her unsure. After a few moments he proceed to pull optimus out of the ruble but the stopped once again "what ever you do so not hurt mika." He said glaring at her.

GemBlaze smirked. "I couldn't even if I wanted to" she said, which for some odd reason went shivers down the autobots spine.

"Just leave all ready autobot before I change my processed."

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