ch.15 forming a bond

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Arcee's spark lept with happyness. Her eyes slightly grew in size. Looking at the small child in the birth she saw her looking at her "I'm right here"she said holding a digit for her to grab on as if for reasurance that Arcee was indeed there and not a figment of Mika's imagination. As Mika weakly held into the digit she struggled to keep her eyes open growing tired by the second she finnaly have in once she saw arcee smile down at her.

"Did she seriously just mouth 'mommy' and you-" before smokescrean could finnish a wrench as connected with his face forcefully knocking him out of the med bay and up againts the wall


As a few hours went Mika had the IV taken out even through she was still asleep. It was consibly the middle of the night  as most of the bots had gone to their rooms the only ones up was Arcee along with the kids but even then you could only count arcee as Jack Miko and Raf wore all half asleep. Sighing slightly as she picked up her helm from the birth tiredly  she mould over the though of possably makeing a bond with mika. She wasn't exactly sure if it could be done considing Mika and  her wore both two intirly differnt speicies all together but of corse you never knew untill you tried. But the thought of possably hurting her made her double think it. She surpposed she could talk to Ratchet about but she did want to keep it a secret that she even did creat the bond in the first place.

As she carfully slipped her servo underneith her she carefully picked her up , carfull not to wake her. She rubbed a digit along her back as she noticed her breathing slightly incress obvisly to show she was having a nightmar. Arcee knew her spark longed to make Mika her 'official creation' even if she was adopted but she held off in the thought for a while  the fact that when she thought about creating the bond with her she was usaly awake or others around. She knew that it would be easier to creat the bond when Mika was asleep so it would be less stress on arcee a nb d mika both and because mika would mosr lickly wouldnt understand what was going kn and would panic but also because when the other wornt around no one would be asking questions or trying to 'talk sence into her' even through she knew what she was doing in the first place. As she thought about the idea of the bond she finally came to a distion. She would do it. As her chestplates detached from each other and slid open to reveil her spark she looked at Mika once more before letting her spark claim her. As tentical like aurors wrapped around Mika and begain to pull her in. Then As her chest plates slid close she stood up all ready feeling the bond form she knew that by morning she would be able to hear mikas thoughts. Deciding it was best she headed to get birth room for some recharge. As she headed down the hall she smiled to her self as she heared bits and peices of mikas thoughts and what she was dreaming about. She was happy to finnaly have a sparkling even if the sparkling wasn't actually her own but to her that didn't matter all that mattered was that Mika was her child even if Mika her self didn't know if yet. Arcee promised to protect her even if it ment outlining her self

"Come on Mika it's only a little bit of a sandwich it won't hurt you take a bite"

Mika had shook her head once again crossing her arms. It was a little bit after noonand arcee was once again trying get her to eat. As soon as it was morning arcee had said in the morning to the energon signal sounding through out the base. Smilling as she saw what Mika was thinking and dreaming about she had opened her chestplates to reveil her spark as her spark was relictant bv to let go she knew she had to in order to not said suspestion on what she had done due to the fact that Mika wasn't in the med bay in the first place even if optimus and ratchet had all ready figured out about how she thought about Mika. Now of corse after the four hour long mission and chasing after miko who had decided to come along on the mission  (much to the bots annoyence) she sat on the ground with mika, a plate with a sandwich and a cup of liquid energon between them

Growing frustrated Arcee sighed. She had actavated her holoforn and had been trying to get Mika to eat lunch for nearly an hour. When Jack said it was hard to get her to eat he wasn't kidding. From the personal scans arcee had done she could now tell she was under weight and relatovly small for her age. Some what glad she had formed the bond when she dod she had clossed of part of the bond, the sode of the bond that allowed mika to hear arcree through bond on her end while she kept the side that allowed her to hear mikas thoughts. Frowning at what she was 'hearing' she side to get self. No wonder Mika had a fear of eating! Ever sence she was there it seemed she was prown to bad luck with foster homes. As she listened In on her throughs she head a few such as 'what if she add like the jonhsons? Nice and friendly on the outside but rude and mean on the outskde?' And others that made her slightly ticked off sucj as ' what if it has the icky powder in it that made my tummy hurt?' Arcee nearly got up at the last one but knowing she would just frighten Mika due to get sudden behavior she faught the feeling and picked o.o the price of the sandwitch in front of Mika "Its good" she said in a sing song like voice before signing once again as Mika shook her head once again. "Ateast drink the ener- cool aid "she said nearly forgoten they had to change the name in order to get her to drink said energon. Mika thought for a minute before finnaly nodding and picking the cup up and taking a drink. Sighing as to they wore getting some where Arcee smiled. "I'll get you more of you eat the sandwich." For a secend Mika thought about it but then shook her head causing arcee to lightly bang her holoform head on the ground lightly before stopping and looking up at Mika "Ok tell you what you eat at least half of the sand which I'll kick the kids off the tv in the main room and put on winx club for you."

Mika thought about it once again did she listen to someone who could have possably did something to her food or someone who didnt? Sighing in defeat she nodded and picked up the sandwhich. She looked at it for a few seconds before taking a bite once she was finnished she folowed arcee who smiled at her
Shockwave stood in his lab  messing with a few things before hearing Megatron walk in putting down a few tools he turned and saw said war lord looking at him with a slight smirk "lord megatron" shockwave greeted.

"Any progress on unscrambaling the tracker placed in the human child?" Megatron asked looking at the computer screan besides shockwave

Shock wave boxes his helm twards the screan "as you can tell I have the signal but often appearing in many places but I  have also managed to track it to on particular spot in the desert."

"And your afermative the pesky autobots won't find the track that was embedded into her flesh?"

Shockwave shook his head "the track is like a big constantly mocking to avoid being picked up by any scanners not even their medics scanners can pick it up." Megatron smirked at that "I would suggest that if we make our move we do it soon if not we may not get another chance. I would suggest sending laserbeak or racege to retreav the human sence knock out and star scream are both out of commotion for the time being" shockwave said refuring to said mecks who both laied in departs births clearly both in stasis lock the to having been at the receiving and of Megatron rath.

"We're make our move in time doctor. Well give them a false sence of sacurty before we make our move. In time we will have a techno- 'human' in our hands." And with that said he turned and walked out leaving shockwve to tend with a invention.

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