Chapter 2 - Jai's Secret

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Sam and I left our first day at school for the long walk home.

"How was that?" asked Sam enthusiastically.

"Mmh alright," I said unconvincingly.

"There was this guy in my class, Jack who has a $250 sector 9 longboard!" he rambled on about skateboards for what seemed like hours. I did not give the slightest care in the world about skateboards. All that remained on my mind was the two freckled boy.

The morning came quickly and Sam and I set off for our second day at school. Everyone in homeroom was a lot warmer towards me and even the girl with the fake tan (whose name turned out to be Ashley) had asked me to sit with them. I had agreed of course but wondered why a girl like her with tan which was streaked all down the side of her leg had asked me along. She was probably calling me gay glasses girl or something like that when I wasn't there. I had the feeling or in other words knew that I didn't fit in. By recess I felt that everyone had come to greet me and ask me questions, all except for the two freckled boy. I felt him looking at me from the front row at the corner of his big hazel eyes.

At recess I excused myself from Ashley's big, and also fake group of friends to go to the bathroom. On the way I spotted the two freckled boy and another bigger guy in some kind of punch up, so I stopped to watch.

"Don't you go near my brother again!" I heard him yell to the bigger boy.

"Watcha gonna do about it, Jai?" screamed the bigger boy.

I guessed to two freckled boy's name was Jai.

"THIS," said Jai and he lept forward, jumping onto the boy who was double his size and starting to punch him. Talk about anger.

It was quite pathetic to watch Jai take on the big muscular boy and win, so I sat back with Ashley and the fakes. Yes, I was very judgemental but I kept it to myself and yes, I liked to make up offensive names for people in my head.

"Did you see that big fight over there?" I asked.

"Yeah," said a girl with dark hair. "Jai Brooks, that kid needs to learn how to control his anger."

"Well you never know what he goes through at home," I said powerfully.

"Let me tell you something about Jai Brooks," the girl snapped. "He was the most popular boy in the the school about 1 or two years ago, all the girls wanted him and all the guys wanted to be his friend. Until his girlfriend, Maddy cheated on him. Then he started cutting himself and getting angry at everyone and everything, you should see how many times he's been suspended because of flipping desks, swearing at teachers and storming out of class." She finally finished.

"Wow," I breathed. It was originally meant to be sarcastic but the girls would probably kick me out of their group. Not that I would care too much.

I wasn't sure what to think of Jai after the incident in the playground and what the dark haired girl (whose name turned out to be Cassandra or Cassie) had said. I mean, I still thought he was attractive and would still like to get to know him. God I was desperate, but hey.

I arrived home to find that Gina had left more cupcakes on the doorstep. I also found that she had left a note saying "thought I'd make you some more treats! here is my number, just let me know if you want to come over and meet my boys, I'd thought they'd need some girl company lately."

I know I had only spoken to Gina for not even two minutes, but I had already developed a great trust from her. I felt like I could trust her with my life.

Purely because of boredom (and maybe because I thought Jai was good looking) I decided to ring Gina and see if she was busy.

"Hello?' her voice sounded even nicer over the phone.

"Hey! I got your cupcakes and the note, I was just wondering if it was ok to come over?' I asked excitedly.

'Yes, I just let the boys know," she confirmed happily.

"Ill be right over!"

Not knowing what Gina's boys' taste in girls fashion was, I decided to turn up in my school uniform. The door was answered by a boy who looked slightly older than Jai. He was wearing a blue pepsi t-shirt and grey trackies, placed on top of his light brown hair was a backwards snapback. He, like Jai was also very attractive.

'I'm Beau, and you must be the new neighbour,' he said with a raised eyebrow, examining me up and down which made me feel self concious.

"Jade," I said, out of breath.

"Well come in," he grinned.

Beau and I walked into the house where Gina was sitting on a red couch. She immediately greeted me with a hug, like and old friend I hadn't seen in years.

"I'm going to the supermarket," she said to Beau. "Take care of Jade will you?"

"Sure will," Beau said, putting his arm around me. He seemed cocky but I liked him. I had the feeling that we would be great friends.

Gina exited the house and I sat down.

"LUKE, JAI, GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE," Beau yelled, so loudly that it made me jump I little.

A short boy with curly hair who looked very much like Jai sprinted down the stairs, he stumbled a bit when he got to the last stair.

"Nice trip?" Beau smirked, which made me laugh.

Luke walked past and smacked Beau on the head and sat down on the floor in front of me. He was followed by Jai who quietly made his way down the stairs and also sat down.

We all talked and laughed for ages, but I couldn't help but notice that Jai was by far the quietest.

"You and your brother should walk with all of us to school, you could even sit with us as well," Luke offered.

A happy sensation rushed through my body, "Yes, that would be awesome!" I squealed.

"Who do you sit with now?" Jai spoke for the first time in a while.

"Oh you know just Ashley and her group,' I said.

"Ohhh mannn," Beau laughed.

"What?" I said curiously.

"Ashley, she used to be Luke's old girlfriend," Beau said, nudging Luke who looked to be very red.

"But I dumped her because she was way too clingy and hated everyone I talked to," Luke stood up for himself.

"She seems like that sort of type," I laughed.

We all talked into the night until Gina decided it was time for me to go home.

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