Chapter 5 - Changing

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I didn't really mind that it was Monday. Because the Brooks' had been out, my whole weekend consisted of being bored out of my mind with confused thoughts swimming around my head.

Sam was ill so it would just be me and the Brooks brothers walking to school today. After being so 'ill' I'm not sure how he still managed to play Fifa until midnight, just like his usual nightly routine. After breakfast I crawled up the stairs and got changed into my uniform which still felt new to me. With my face within a centimretre from the mirror I violently rubbed foundation on my tanned, freckly face. I put my long blonde hair into an extemely high ponytail, packed my bag and was ready to begin the journey to Penola Catholic High School for the fourth time. Swinging the door open, I tested myself to see if I could jump all the four steps in one go. Landing successfully on the grey pavement, I ran to the Brooks' house and knocked on the door. All three brothers were at the door who to my surprise, were all ready to go.

"Hey," I said blankly to all three of them.

"Not sure who you were talking to, sorry," said Luke sarcastically.

I playfully hit him on the shoulder and placed my foot in front of his ankle, causing him to trip over.

Getting up as though nothing happened, he said, "I'll get you back for that that one."

I tried not to notice that Jai seemed to be staying as far away from me as he possibly could. Was he really, or was it just my very paranoid mind playing tricks on me?

The walk to Penola came to and end and we all for once, came in time to hear the homeroom bell ring.

"Well, bye," I told Luke and Beau, who stepped on my toes before I walked away.

I walked silenty, side by side with Jai until I noticed that he had dropped off, leaving me walking by myself. I slowed down my walk until I found myself next to Jai again.

"Where did you go?" I laughed.


"Listen.. are you ignoring me?" I asked nervously.

"No." he said quickly.

Something in my gut told me that he wasn't telling me the truth.

Homeroom, Maths and English were a big black blur. I couldn't stop thinking about Jai. The bell finally went for recess and my hopes were raised a little higher, I was excited to see Luke, Beau and James. I ran over to where all the boys were sitting and sat down. Jai shuffled away from me a little bit, leaving my heart to sink.

-------- JAI'S P.O.V -------

I could see the disappointment in her eyes. I hated hurting her this way. Why was I doing this? I was such a dick for ignoring her this whole day. The truth is, I was only ignoring her because she reminded me too much of Maddy. I really liked Jade, but did she like me too in that way, or did she just want to be my friend? I watched her eating her strawberries, she was so imperfectly perfect, just like Maddy. Her face was so beautiful and her freckles suited her perfectly, her long blonde hair was a mess, but it looked so right. She wasn't too skinny but just right, and I wouldn't like it any other way. Her sense of humour was perfect, I wish I had the guts to talk to her but I couldn't bring myself to do it, but I knew I had to. I knew I had to change my boring old personality and forget about what happened. I wanted to know myself again. I wish I could start something with Jade but I knew she would break my heart, just like Maddy. Before I did anything with her, I had to change myself first. I was going to be the person I was before.. starting now. From now on there will be no more ignoring, no more cutting, no more feeling sorry for myself.

I also heard Jade's conversation to Luke and Beau.. the one about why I was so dull. Of course I didn't blame her, I shouldn't have let myself become this person. And to think it had an effect on a girl I had only known for not even a week, but was already drawn to so deeply made my hopes higher to know that she had even the slightest care in the world. I was going to be good to her and show her who I really am.

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