Chapter 7 - She's Back

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The photo on the side gives you an idea of what Jade kinda looks like. Similar to Iggy Azalea but not as tall and modely and more tanned. Same face and hair but with freckles and stuff. I thought this photo of Iggy was the best one to describe Jade with.

Also, I got a new computer and it won't let me do bold or itallic writing or tell me how many words I've done so I'm sorta pissed off

"Jai," I whispered.

"Jai get up."

Great. My crush who was zero percent interested in me and I had fallen asleep on eachother. I wasn't complaining or anything, I mean kick goal for me for managing to fall asleep on my crush, but his reaction was the thing making me wonder. I was scared he was going to think I was weird and then never speak to me again. I didn't want to blow what hadn't happened and what most likely won't happen, me being Jai Brook's girlfriend. I heard a groan from across the room and saw Luke sit up. He looked over, saw what position I was in a clapped his hand against his mouth.

"God," he said, "Taking your relationship to the next 5 steps are you now?"

"Lay off it Luke, we both know he isn't interested."

"I wouldn't be too sure," smirked Luke, he always loved stirring the pot a little so I knew immediately that he was joking.

"Are we gonna make breakfast then?" said Luke.

"I cant," I said rolling my eyes towards Jai, whose head was nearly up next to mine. I felt his hair tickling my face softly.


"Because if I move I'll wake him!"

"Oh, please, like he doesn't get enough sleep already."

"I am not moving until he wakes up," I reassured Luke who walked out to the kitchen.

Knowing that Beau wouldn't wake for a while, I used this (kind of) alone time to study every feature Jai consisted of. His hazel eyes were no longer visible as they were lightly shut. His mouth was breathing slighty open, causing his chest to peacefully move up and down. As he was shirtless, I could see his back muscles relax as he slept. Every time I thought that Jai Brooks couldn't get any more perfect, I was proved wrong. Every - Single - Time. He slept so angelically, so beautifully. My admiration was interupted by Jai's big, hazel eyes which fluttered slightly and opened widely. He saw how close I was and jumped back.

"I-I-I'm so sorry!" he said in a scared tone.

"What for?"

"For sleeping on top of you!"

"It's fine really, I kind of enjoyed it actually." I breathed honestly.

"Good." he said, "Me too."

My heart fluttered. My biggest crush, enjoyed being so close with me. I had to remind myself that he still wasn't interested in me and that guys like him don't like girls like me.

Monday had come way too quickly for my liking. It was kind of a plus, because it meant I could spend time with Jai all day. I needed to tell him how I felt, no matter if he liked it or not. I decided to do this on the way to school.

I looked out the window and discovered that Melbourne's weather was finally showing me it's true colours. Unlike the past 3 sunny weeks, today rain was bucketing down uncontrollably. I frowned and quickly put my hair up into a pony tail. Grabbing my bag and a green apple, I jumped down the steps of my front porch, not bothering to wait for Sam. Like I had done everytime I went to school, I knocked on the Brooks' door. Beau answered and invited me in.

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