Chapter 6 - The Sleepover

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Hello ay guys, don't forget to vote and comment what you think. The start of this chapter is continuing Jai's P.O.V just letting you know incase you get confused.

It was a Friday night, and Luke and I were sitting in our shared room. Yes, we were in year 11 and still shared a room. I wasn't too fond of this and always asked Mum for my own room but Luke and I both knew that we secretly loved eachothers company more than anything. It was a place where we shared eachothers deepest thoughts and secrets that nobody else in the world would ever know. When we couldn't sleep, we would stay up for hours sharing any thoughts in mind.

Suddenly, my unshared thoughts were interrupted by the soft voice of my twin brother.

"Do you like her?" he asked out of the blue, lying on the top bunk.

"Who?" I said from the bottom bunk, although I knew perfectly well who he was talking about.


"No.. Do you?" I lied, but it was no use. Luke could always tell when I was lying and I was the same with him.

"Don't lie to me Jai, I can always tell when you like someone," he ignored my question.

"Do you like her?" I reapeted slowly. 

"Yeah, do you?" he said softly. I felt like a 6 year old. 

"Yes." I said truthfully, "But you can go after her. She's yours."

"No." Luke said plainly.

"Why" I said, "You like her, you can have her. Plus, all the girls go for you first anyway. I've got no chance with her, I don't even have a personality anymore."

"This ones different," said Luke quietly, " trust me."

We layed there in total silence. My twin brother and I liked the same girl. Luke's last words replayed in my head over and over. "This ones different, trust me." What could that mean? 

Deciding it was time to sleep, I rolled over. My head remained in a world of thoughts. 

With one open eye I searched the room. Light was peeking in throught the blinds, so I guessed it was late in the morning. No longer feeling tired, I climbed up the ladder and crawled into Luke's bed. He was also awake and staring at the ceiling. I knew there was a weird tension between us since the topic of conversation last night. With my legs crossed, I sat on the edge of his bed waiting for him to say something.

"Lets play FIFA," he said. Luke and I always played Fifa when there was a rough moment between us. It was loads of fun and loosened us up a lot.

"Well that was fun," I said once the game had finished.

"Only 'cause you smashed me."

"Well what do you expect, you've only won like twice."

Luke decided to change the subject of conversation, "What should we do today?"

I knew exactly what I wanted to do. "Lets see what they're doing," I pointed to the house on our left which belonged to Jade.

Luke nodded slowly in agreement, until asking, "Where's Beau?"

"No idea." I said grinning at Luke. There was only one place he could be.

The door of Beau's bedroom burst open and Luke and I scrambled in making as much noise as possible.

"BEEEAUUU!" Luke squealed like a little girl who had just seen a pony.

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