Chapter 8 - The Dance

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The image on the right is what Jade looked like in her dress yo. even though jade is a bit more tanned y'know. Get ready for a very emotional chapter.

I woke up drowsily, only to realise that it was valentines day. The school was letting us have the day off to prepare for the big dance, which I thought was stupid but hey, any day of not going to school is a good day. I was spending the big valentines dance not with my crush who apparently liked me back (all though he kissed another girl and was now going to the dance with her), but with my best friend who happened to be Jai's brother. I had already planned my outfits out, and decided to leave my straight blonde hair out, wear my black dress with colourful patterns on it and wear only red lipstick and mascara, black winged eyeliner and foundation. Not too simple and not too dressy.

I peered outside to find that the dull, cloudy, rainy weather suited my mood perfectly. The thought of my dream guy dancing with another girl made me feel like I had been shot straight through the heart. Although I was so mad at Jai and wasn't planning on forgiving him anytime soon, I still somehow managed to love him. He was still the biggest idiot for what he did, but I still couldn't help myself.

I decided to call the Brooks' to come over and keep me company (except for Jai of course). I picked up the phone and prayed that Jai didn't answer.

"Hello?" came Jai's voice, just my luck.

"Let me talk to Luke or Beau," I snapped impolitely.

Within thirty seconds, Beau's voice came over the phone, "What's up?"

"Do you and Luke wanna come over? Mum's at work - and don't bring Jai."

"We'll be right there."

I slumped down on my bed and waited for the doorbell to ring. I lept up and answered the door to find Luke and Beau waiting. They followed me into my bedroom where the conversation began.

"So.." I began

"Are you excited for the dance tonight?" said Luke nudging me, and I nodded quickly.

"Who are you going with Beau?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Allison Sparks," he grinned proudly.


"Ohh mann," groaned Luke, "Beau's had a crush on her for ages, always talks about her."

"She's all mineee," Beau said, doing a little jig which made me laugh.

"How's Jai?" I asked quietly. I had to know.

"Well um.. a bit shattered," said Luke.

"Oh, no! Poor thing!" I snorted sarcastically.

"Not as shattered as you, but still shattered."

"Pffft," I spluttered.

"He likes you Jade, he really does." said Luke sympathetically.

"Well then why aren't I going to the dance with him?"

The room remained silent for about 8 seconds.

"See," I said, "Couldn't have liked me too much!"

"What are you wearing to the dance?" Beau said, which made the situation less awkward.

"I'll show you."

I opened up the wardrobe and showed them the black dress with colourful patterns on it.

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