Chapter 10 - He Draws Me

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15 votes for chapter 11 - it's an exciting one believe me

"Look, over there."

"Is that the girl Jai was dancing with?"

The usual stares and whispers followed me around wherever I went. Penola Catholic College was the number one place where rumours were spread quickly. The new talk of the school was about Jai and I at the Penola Valentine's dance. Now that Jai was happy again, he grew more popular each day. Not meaning to be jealous, but I took this negatively. All the pretty girls wanted him again and all the dickhead guys wanted to be his friend. This reduced the chances of me being his girlfriend and increased the chances of him having stupid friends. Yes, he had told me he loved me but who knew what could go through a teenage boys' mind. I prayed to god that he meant what he said.

Dazed and confused, I wandered through the Penola corridors, running into several people on the way. I walked into homeroom where I greeted Jai with a hug and found Ashley and her minions giving me cold looks.

"Did you see them," I whispered to Jai as we sat down.


"Ashley and her friends."

"Oh yeah, they've been trying to talk to me all morning telling me to meet up with them." said Jai who looked very disgusted.

"Desperate," I snorted.

"Why can't they realise I'm not interested," said Jai who was very frustrated.

"Who are you interested in?' I nudged, secretly praying for a certain answer.


"I'm pretty interested in you too I must say," I nudged once again, which made Jai laugh.

"What have you got next?" said Jai, pointing to his timetable.

"We got P.E!" said excitedly.

The bell rang causing Jai and I to race to P.E. When I said race, I literally meant race. We sprinted to the sports shed, jumping over bags and dodging the flock of people. Jai beat me easily but hey, I was a girl and still kept up. The teacher arrived and our groups of 5 played soccer against eachother. I loved soccer. I was very good at it back in Sydney and made the REP teams every year. The game kicked off and I found that I was playing against one of Ashley's minion friends. I dribbled the ball around her and passed it to Jai, who scored and flipped me up onto his shoulders. Since I had very little amount of friends in this place, I asked Jai to introduce me to the other people on our team. First there was Soraya, a girl with dark hair who was also very good at soccer, there then was Jack, a tall boy with light blonde hair, and another girl called Holly who had golden hair and was very friendly. We all kept dominating the short game of soccer, until Ashley's minion friend ankle tapped me and I fell over onto the grass. I got up to find my right knee bleeding.

"Oh my god, I'm sooo sorry!" said the girl.

"It's fine, really," I said trying to sound as sweet a possible. I had a feeling that the friend had tripped me on purpose.

When we exited P.E for the next period, I became extremely worried. Not only did I have overly tanned girls plotting my revenge because of something that wasn't my fault, but I no longer had Jai to keep me company for a whole hour. Luke was fun, but do you really think that he would hold me in his arms and tell me everything was going to be ok? Me either.

I walked into art class and sat next to Luke. He seemed slightly quieter than usual.

"How was your sleepover with Jai?" he asked quitetly.

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