Chapter 5: The Cat is Dead

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CHAPTER FIVE: The Cat is Dead

Simon didn't allow himself to have second thoughts. He ran to his car and drove away as fast as he could. Only when he had finally arrived home did he pause to reflect on what just happened.

He immediately regretted his decision.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Simon kicked at the kitchen counter.

Why on earth did he do that? He finally, finally got the opportunity he had been waiting for and he turned it away. Anyone else would have grabbed at the chance in seconds. Not him. No, he just had to be cautious.Who knew if he would ever be able to see the other side of the door again? Certainly not any time soon. Even if he went back right now, the door could very well be locked once again.

He was truly an idiot.

Simon poured himself a glass of water. As the cool liquid went down his throat, Simon's blood pressure began to gradually come down. His anger simmered down to irritation. By the time the last drop had been drunk, Simon began to think rationally. He knew he hadn't been ready for what the door offered, even if he regretted it now. He did the right thing, even if it was the hardest thing.

But his curiosity refused to listen to reason. Even as Simon justified his reasons for running away, his curiosity whispered doubts into his ear. Although he desperately wanted to find out everything that was hidden behind the door, what was he supposed to do? Simon sighed and put his glass on the counter. Whether the door was real or only existed in his mind, it was still dangerous—even his curiosity acknowledged that, though it defined it as adventurous. The door was unknown territory and Simon didn't want to go through the door without knowing the full extent of the consequences. Unless...

Unless he went in prepared, ready to battle any and all dangers that might befell him, not like a blinded hero, but as a wise explorer.

 Simon yanked his backpack from the coat closet and went into the bedroom. He put an extra change of clothes, a flashlight, a blanket, and a switchblade knife into the backpack. He traded his leather shoes for sneakers. Back in the kitchen, he grabbed two bottles of water, matches, and his first aid kit. In addition, he took his hand sanitizer and secured it in a side pocket of the backpack. After all, who knew what kind of germs were hiding behind the door? Then he grabbed his car keys.

He paused for a moment. Was he missing anything?

He didn't think so. He locked the house, put the backpack in the passenger seat of his car, and then drove away. He could finally find out what the door meant if he was careful about it. Now that he was prepared, prepared for the unknown, the mystery, and the vulnerability that he was sure the door would expose.

It was nearing six p.m. and most of the shops would be closing within the half hour if they hadn't already. He parked the car on a side street and entered the Booktique through its back entrance. He usually didn't go this way but he really didn't want to encounter anyone today of all days. It would be awkward and unnecessary. Simon fumbled around in the darkness for the key to fit in the lock. It took him a few moments to figure it out but he got it in the end. He forgot about the single step of the back entrance and tripped over it on his way in. He cursed at his klutziness and straightened himself out.

Simon didn't bother turning on the lights. He would just have to turn them off again when he left the store a few minutes later. Despite the first moment of clumsiness, Simon could walk through his store with his eyes blindfolded. He made his way to the front of the store, peering out the glass display window.

He moved his eyes up and down the street to see if there were people about. Though his vision was somewhat restricted by the windowpane, he didn't see anyone. He turned his gaze to the door. From afar, the door looked as it always did: a giant palace door, intricately carved, silently standing in the street.  He unlocked the front door and cautiously stepped out.

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