Chapter 30

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Justin & Mel

"Let go of me!!" I repeat. He finally lets go of my small wrist and I take a few steps back. "Why did you slap and shove her?" Justin asks, angrily. "What the fuck do you mean why did I slap and shove her! she kept saying mean stuff about me!" I yell. "No, that's not why you did that." He shouts. His right, I didn't just shove and slap her because she was saying mean things about, it was because she was with Justin.

"Yes the hell it is asshole!" I lie, biting my lip nervously. "You can't lie to me, Mel!" He screams. "Why in the hell were you hugging Tori?" I ask, yelling.
"Because i wanted to. Mel, we aren't even saying or married so shut the fuck up!" He yells, loud.

Justin is right, but I can't let him know that. We aren't dating or married, we are playing a game of Friends With Benefits and we are both tied to a contract. But, I love him deeply and secretly, and I want him and no else. But, I can't let him know that.

"I'm going. I don't want to fight anymore with you. You won, Justin." I say, tiredly, running my fingers through my hair. I walk over to the dorm door and beginning to twist the knob to leave and never look back.

"Please, don't leave me, Mel. I....just have something that I have for you. These feelings." He begs, sadly. "Feelings." I say, surprisedly. He has feelings for me, like real true love feelings like the feelings i have for him. "What do you mean these feelings?" I ask, curiously.

He then remains silent and quiet, with his hand down cowardly. "Tell me or I'm leaving now." I demand.
I twist the knob and door slowly opens up. "I....I'm leaving and never coming back." I say, softly and beginning to feel on the edge of crying.

I open the door and walk out into the hallway of The Dorms building all by myself. What did Justin mean by "these feelings"?, I ask myself.


Justin's POV.

I watch Mel walk out of my dorm and into the hallway of The Dorms building. I walk over to my bed, take a seat, put my face in my hands, and my elbows planted on my knees. Tears flood my face and hands endlessly and uncontrollably. I should've told her I really felt about her, these undeniable and uncontrollable strong feelings for her that I hold deep inside of me but, I couldn't she would have won this cat and mouse game that we are playing,
I think to myself.

I wipe the tears away off my red face and I run my fingers through my hair. I can't believe I fell in love with my best friend, Melissa Brown,
I think to myself. I have done this "Friends With Benefits game and contract thing" with a million other girls but, none of them are like Melissa. I have never felt this way for anyone except Mel and I don't know how to control these feelings, so I act out in rage, anger, dear, and jealousy
to hide my true feelings for my soulmate, the love of my life, my everything, and my true love Melissa Brown.

I hear someone opens the door and look up to hopefully see Mel has come back to be with me and only but, this isn't like the movies, it is Tori Black walking in into my dorm with a smirk on her face. Why the fuck is she here?, I ask myself.

"Hey babe, I was going to murder that college slut." She says, laughing walking over to me slowly. Mel is not a slut, I think to myself. "Melissa is not a fucking slut. Don't ever say that shit again or I will make you regret you ever met me, Tori." I threat, standing up slowly and balling my fits up, feeling them turn white.

"Why the hell are you defending her!" She asks, madly. I stay silent as I run my fingers through my hair. "Is it because she has better pussy than me?" Tori asks, angrily. I punch the wall and yell loudly, Tori takes a few steps back with fear in her eyes.

"No that isn't it. It is because I love her. I fell in love with my best friend." I admit, smiling and watching blood drip slowly from my torn and bruised knuckles.


Melissa's POV.

"Are you sure you are okay, Mel?" Caitlin asks, again for like the fifth time in a row. "Yes. I am alright, Cait, Thanks for asking and check on me." I say, softly. "Okay, well come on we are going Halloween shopping for the Frat House costume party." Bailey suggests, happily.

"I really don't want to. I don't even want to go anymore. " I say, sadly and I flop onto my bed and grab my sheets, wrapping myself in them. M, you let this situation with Justin stop you from letting you go have costume shopping with your friends, you can't let that stop you from living your life,
My subconscious tells me, encouragingly.

"Please. Come on, Mel." Claire begs, pleading sadly. "Ok, ok." I say, giving up on trying to fake sleep and cry myself to sleep after they leave me.

I get up, grab my iPhone and iPod, and pull myself together before I, Caitlin, Claire, and Bailey walk out the dorm, into the hallway, and outside to Caitlin's car.

Author's Note|• BabygirlBieberBlair

While I was writing this two chapters (Tori & Mel, Justin & Mel)
I was listening to Demi Lovato's Stone Cold, Justin Bieber's That Should Be Me, and Taylor Swift's Haunted, because I really think those three songs really fit the jealousy and hiding true feelings from each other situation between Mel and Justin.

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I hope everyone really liked this two updates!!! I will be updating in morning around 6 or 9 so don't forget to check them out!!;

ily guys so much gtg!!

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