when my time comes,
don't be sad
because I'll be happy
though it'll be hell
suicidals don't go to heaven
and that's okay
because I've been through hell
trying to stay alive every day
in this isolated room
no one can see me
but they can hear my screams
so at my funeral
lay down some roses
white, if you please
I've seen enough red in my life
do not cry
I've cried enough for all of you
do not blame yourself
I've taken all of it off of you
so at my funeral
do not touch me
I am already so fragile
do not whisper your regrets
I have enough in my head
and at my funeral
do not think you could've stopped me
because this is a deadly disease
and no one could've stopped this
so at my funeral
just do not feel sad
because I am not
so why should you?