Chapter 3: Trying To Remember

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Nagisa's POV

I sat on the bed, thinking. Man, is being in a hospital boring...

The door opened, and a nurse came in. More medicine...

She gave me a few pills, "Here you go, Shiota-san. Be sure to slowly wash it down."

I sighed, "Yeah..."

I put the pills in my mouth and drank water. The nurse gave me a smile and left the room.

As I put the glass down, I thought about Karma-kun. Is he gonna visit again today? I kinda want to chat with him more... It's fun if he's here.

Somehow... I feel like he's someone important to me...

But... I can't seem to remember.

My eyelids dropped, feeling drowsy from the medicine. It sure has a fast effect...

My consciousness faded as I fell into deep sleep.


I opened my eyes to see that I was in the train station.

"Oi, look. It's Nagisa."

It was Takada-kun and Tanaka-kun.

"She's completely gotten used to Class E, though."

"How lame, there's really no coming back to our class like that."

"Even if it kills me, I seriously don't want to end up there..."

Suddenly, someone came and smashed a bottle beside them. His face was blurry, and I couldn't see his body well...


...What did he say?

The two became scared and ran away.

He came towards me and we started walking to the train, scanning our cards.


I can't hear him...


I was in Koro-sensei's clothes, in my school.

He said, "Don't worry, I'll accelerate slowly to prevent it from taxing your bodies."

And we flew...

He said "bodies."

I looked to my right to see... something white and blurry.

...Where are we going again?


This time, I was walking down a road. Again, the blurry white thing was there.

...I was eating ice cream. I looked to my right and saw the white thing holding ice cream too. Suddenly, my ice cream was in his hands, and he started running.

He ran to the road, "____________"

Why can't I hear him...?

I chased after him, and... everything went black.


I woke up, and everything around me was pitch black... It was cold, and I'm all alone...

...Huh? What's this warm feeling...?

I saw a faint light in the distance, and walked slowly to it.


I opened my eyes. I'm back in the hospital...

That was a dream? It didn't feel like one... Who was that white person? I couldn't see or hear him...

I lifted my head, and saw Karma-kun sleeping, holding my hand.

I sat up, and stared at him. Unknowingly, I reached out my other hand and started patting his head. His hair is soft...

I smiled, "He really is someone important to me... I feel it. But I just can't remember..."

Suddenly, he woke up, groaning.

"H-huh? Oh, I fell asleep..."

Once he realized he was holding my hand, he immediately let go, his face turning red, "S-sorry..."

I smiled, "It's okay! You seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so I didn't want to bother you."

"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long ago."

"I see. Wanna eat? I brought food." He said, reaching out for his bag.


He took out a bento and opened it, revealing a rolled omelet, sausages, and rice with seaweed on top.

I took the bento, "Wow! Did you make this?"

He smiled, "Yeah. My parents are out most of the time, so I cook myself."

"That seems hard for you..."

"I manage~"

He gave me chopsticks, which I took. I said, "Let's eat!" And started eating. It was really good.

"Delicious~ It's nice to have a variety of food once in a while!" I said happily.

Once I finished, I closed the bento, "Thanks for the food!"

I handed the bento back to him, "Thanks, Karma-kun!"


We started talking, and when it was starting to get late, he stood up, "Well, I'm gonna go home now."

"Yeah, be careful!" I waved to him.

And... he left. Another fun day with Karma-kun... I hope he comes back soon.

What a boring chapter...



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