Eight - She Was Like the Moon

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Days went by with the same routine except that Angelina was now annexed to my usual day.

Each one gets his desired order while working for two hours then we have a break where we talk about random stuff - mostly books, music, movies and Tv shows- and we'd choose a different order to try together.

The thing is, every time I tried to bring up a topic associated with her personal life, she'd give a short reply then talk about something else.

It's like she tries to be obscure on purpose.

So I had a theory about her;

Angelina was like the moon, part of her was always hidden.

And yes, this is a quote I came across on Tumblr.

But when you think about it, it's as if this quote was made about her, it just fits her perfectly.

So after some talking, she'd excuse herself and go back to her notepad. I tried asking her about what she wrote inside but she'd answer playfully by whispering "A lady never tells".

I have to admit though, this is a dream come true; me talking to Angelina daily, laughing and joking.

But it didn't really feel like she had let me in, yet.

But I have to give her time, it has only been like 4 days since our talk.

The fact that I was worried as fuck couldn't be denied though, I mean school was in exactly 3 days and I was sure the amount of time we spend together will decrease.

Nevertheless, I still have hope.

I just really intend on changing our daily pattern soon.

•An irresponsible person who fails to update according to her own schedule (check)
•Shortest chapter to ever exist (check)
•Chapter was so lame and sort of unnecessary (check)
Ughhh guyss I'm sorry about this but I've been out all dayy and to make up for this teeny tiny chapterr I'm updating tomorrow again.
I'm just really not satisfied with these first chapters and I'm starting to edit asap! Please stick to the end it gets better I swear 😂

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