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The picture above is of Sego and Astor. I should really add some character descriptions! Until then, please comment if you've forgotten or want to know what a character looks like. I'll describe them best I can or draw them.

I could hear some one coming towards me. I stiffened in fear when I caught the pungent aroma of the shifter. He was with Negrita.

I saw them as they crossed over the ridge. The shifter had the pelt and stance of Hawk, but his eyes gleamed ruthlessly. I didn't understand how Negrita could stand by him so calmly.

"Astor! Where have you been?" Negrita asked.

"Went exploring too far, eh?" The shifter said. His voice was similar to Hawk's, but it was obviously just a bad impression.

"Oh look, you're all cut up! And you're limping!" Negrita said as he rushed to me.

"I-He isn't-" I started, but The shifter cut me off.

"Where have you been? We'd assumed you were on one of your, nightly walks, but when you didn't return we started to get a little worried. Good thing we came looking for you!"

"Negrita, you can't-"

"Let's get him back home, shall we? You must have had a busy night and you should get your rest." The shifter said. He rushed to my other side, but I jumped away in disgust. I wouldn't touch that filth even if I was dead.

"Don't-don't-don't touch me," I stuttered. "I can get home myself. Get away from me!"

"Woah, Astor," Negrita said. He licked my ears gently, which did nothing to settle my nerves. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm sure if we get him back to camp he'll be fine. Let's go before it gets too hot." The shifter said.

I wanted to scream. That imposter couldn't be trusted! I wanted to kick and yell and wail the truth, but I was so scared. The only thing I could do was lean on Negrita's shoulder as they took me back. I couldn't help but growl when the shifter tried to support my other shoulder.

"Stay away," I hissed.

"All right, whatever you say." The shifter said. Was he grinning?

"Astor, what has gotten into you?" Negrita asked. "I thought you two were friends."

We were, I thought. that monster isn't my friend.


The tribe was awakening slowly, as normal. It was too normal.

Hare trotted up to me. "Astor! My baby!"

I ran (well, it was more like violently flopping) to her. I hated it when she called me baby, but I hated that shifter far more. She felt warm and comfortable.

"Where did you find him?" She asked.

"Out it the desert, not too far from camp." Negrita said. "He was limping."

"Oh, dear," Hare muttered. She licked the blood off my chin and my neck. "What have you gotten yourself into this time, boy?"

I didn't answer.

"Hey! He's back!" Bat yipped from the bottom of the hollow. She was eating breakfast with the others.

They nodded and said hello, happy to see I was home. I wasn't very happy.

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