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"The Shifter has a weakness. It's temporary, but it will weaken him more than combat. His eyes. If you scratch them both, his powers will be weakened." Prick said quietly.

I glared at him. "How do you know this? How do you know it'll work? And why are you telling me this?" I asked skeptically. Prick was different from the other elites, but I still didn't trust him.

"I can't tell you how I know, but just trust me. It throws off his balance or something and he can't control his powers as well. And I think you know why. I don't want control of the desert, and I definitely don't want my elderly parents suffering because they're too old to fight." He replied. "So stay here and act confused when I drag you out. When he's giving his stupid speech and you see the bloodlust in his eyes, I'll let you go."

I nodded. I hoped I could trust him.

Yelps of pain and frustration rang from the camp. I could see Sarah, Negrita, Mirage and Delta get dragged away by elites. The weaker coyotes were confused and afraid, unsure of what to do or what would happen to them. They became skittish, and most of them ran—or limped—off the battle field.

The remaining few fought violently, but they were tired. I could see Hare among them, roaring at elites and scratching them with her two toes.

The sand was dirty and red. The final coyotes were dragged away, forming an oddly-shaped circle with broken bodies scattered around in the middle. The cries of battle turned into cries of agony. Females wailed as tired, red-stained elites dragged the bodies, dead or alive, to the outskirts of camp.

Snake, now limp and blubbering nonsense, was pulled away, leaving a trail of red. Turns out the Shifter doesn't care about the fate of his pawns.

The Shifter sauntered into my field of view, grinning proudly with his glistening teeth. The coyotes booed at him, but their jeers made him stand taller.

He sat in the center of the camp, and looked around him. He grinned, satisfied with the carnage he had created.

"Bring out the martyrs!" He cried, laughing at the coyotes pleas of disapproval.

Prick grabbed me tightly, his teeth biting into my fur. He was putting on a pretty good show.

The others and I were dragged from the caves, forming a circle around the Shifter. When Prick found his place, he pulled me up so my forepaws barely touched the ground. Across from me was Sarah, eyes wide and breathing quickly.

"My subjects! Why don't you come closer?" The Shifter called out to the dying coyotes around us.

They moaned in anger and pain. He was mocking them. They could barely move.

"No? Then enjoy the show while you die!" He jeered. "You're about to witness the deaths of these rebels. Let them serve as an example of what happens to those who interfere.

"But I'm a merciful creature. If any of you see the light and pledge your loyalty to the winning side, I'll rank you as an elite."

The elites holding us wavered for a second. This wasn't a part of the plan. He was bluffing.

"I was planning on death by a thousand pecks, but I want to get this over with. Who wants to go first?" He asked.

He sauntered around the circle, gauging each of his victims, probably imagining the most interesting order to kill us in. All of us were bruised, scarred and covered with blood. All the Piedra and the Guerro were in the circle, except for Rabbit and Hare.

I was starting to panic. He hadn't made a speech, and Prick still held me tight in his grasp.

The Shifter passed by Sego, and she growled. His face changed for a moment, then he growled and spat on her. "Little rat."

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