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Sarah and I jumped into the battle. It was easy enough to tell the difference between the elites from the other coyotes, but it became harder to pick out the lean bodies from the bony ones as the battle raged on.

I looked for any of the Guerro or the Piedra, but I couldn't find them. Everything was so confusing and hot and loud . . . and yucky coyotes kept touching me . . .

"Look, there's Verde!" Sarah said, pointing to the russet coyote fighting a yellow elite.

We jumped in to help him. I quickly pulled off the elite by her scruff, and she jumped onto me.

We fought while Sarah and Verde quickly conversed. "Help find everyone then meet up behind the rock again! If we have more coyotes, we can fight off an ambush!" Sarah yelled as the yellow coyote cross-faced me.

"Fine!" Verde yelled back.

I tried to quickly pin the coyote and run, but she was tough. I won't admit how long it took for me to get away from her.

As soon as I could escape, I ran around, searching for coyotes I knew. "Sego! Mountain! Negrita! Hare!" I called out.

I was scared for Hare. She was tough, but her fighting days were long gone. And her missing toes didn't make things easy for her.

"Sego!" I called out again.

"Astor!" I heard someone call to me from the fight. It was Sky.

She bounded over to me, swatting at a coyote in her way. A gash on her temple was bleeding. "Astor, how'd you get out? What's going on?" She panted.

"No time to explain, just look for the others and meet behind the big rock!"

She nodded, then went to search for the Guerro. I was about to slither away, but a large coyote attacked me.

Oh, come on! Why can't I get a break? I thought, the coyote pinning me to the ground and snapping at my face. I rolled onto my back then kicked him off, turning onto my stomach once he was gone.

I ran another two steps before another coyote attacked me. Then another. Then two ganged up on me. I could escape every time, but it was getting harder. I was tired and didn't have the energy to fight anyone. When I found my way out of the battle, I ran behind the rock and didn't look back.

This time, a group of Guerro and Piedra coyotes were waiting behind the rock, talking quickly about possible battle strategies.

"Astor's here!" Sarah yipped.

I awkwardly squished in the circle between Negrita and Mountain. Those two, Sarah, Verde, Sky, Horizon and Delta were the only ones there.

"Where's Sego?" I asked, interrupting Horizon as he was blabbering about his stupid idea.

Horizon glared at me, annoyed for interrupting him.

"Haven't seen her since we got ambushed." Negrita said.

I growled. "Okay. We gotta find her. And Rabbit. And Hare. And Bat. And—"

"Yes, where is my mate?" Negrita said quickly, looking nervous. "Our pups are coming soon, and I have no idea where she is!"

"It's okay, she's with the other females. As soon as there was trouble, I told her and another pregnant female to stay put." Sarah said, trying to calm him down, but he didn't relax.

"We get it, let's move on!" Delta said impatiently, his normally cheerful voice now anxious. "What were you saying, Horizon?"

"Just that we could talk to all the regular coyotes, have them fight with us, then you guys beat the elites while I go take on the Shifter."

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