Let The Games Begin

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A|N: EVERYONE CHECK OUT THIS AWESOME FAN ART MADE BY @kiwi-juice I'M ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH YOUR GUYS ART! This is spectacular! Remember if you ever want to send me fan art (IF YOU WANT TO) you can dm it to me on Instagram (in my bio) or my email which will be in my bio as well. Love you all, enjoy! ~

As I rush out of my room, all dressed up, and ready, I notice Joey waiting outside his door. I walk a few steps closer, finishing the last button on my uniform.

"Is everything alright, Joe?" I speak up.

He brings his head up to glance at me, "I just wanted to see you one last time before you head to work."

"One last time? For christ sake you're acting like I'm not coming home tonight," I let out a soft laugh.

"It's just been a while since I saw you, Bell," he then unexpectedly gives me a hug.

I hug him back, a bit confused, "maybe we can watch a movie or something after I come back from work, yeah?"

He releases me from his arms, and nods, "yeah, I would like that."

I smile, heading off to work with a muffin and my bottle of water in my hand.

While walking to work, I couldn't help but think about Dan. I don't know if I should hate him or not. I hate the fact he's messing with me, but do I really hate him as a person? His kiss seemed passionate, but his reaction after didn't.

When I finally arrived to the building, I put all my goods in my locker. Reminding myself of Dan's words, I placed my phone in my locker as well.

"Good morning Bell!" Jill cheerily greets me.

'Morning, Jay. Why are you so happy today?" I face her, sighing.

"Silly," she playfully smacks my arm. "Today's the day!" She grins at me, after emphasizing the word.

"Oh, I see..." I gulp.

We've been talking about this day for a while now. It was all just a plan being waited to me but, now since the day has come... I'm hoping my career and life won't go down the drain.

"Dan wants to speak with you," Jill interrupts my thoughts.

"What?! Why?!" The words rush out of my mouth.

"I don't know, I went down there since I came in early, and he kept asking for you. I suggest you go before he gets more impatient," she suggests.

"Fuck..." I say under my breath. "Fine, sign me into work, will ya?"

She nods, and walks away, proceeding to sign me in. I get to the staircase, making my way down. The suspense to his cell was killing my mind, especially when I arrived.

"Finally, how are you baby girl?" His smirk grows as he watches me stand in his cell, awkwardly.

"Don't call me that," I ignore his question.

He throws his hands up in the air, defensively, "baby girl is feisty today, I get it."

"Fucking asshole..." I mumble.

"All those mumbles are gonna get you nowhere, baby girl," he starts walking around me, circling around me.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed.

"Just to remind you, today's the day. I have a plan and I intend to use it," he stands behind me, pulls a strand of my hair from the front to my back.

"Your plan is?" I take a step forward, away from him.

He lets out a disappointed sigh from my distance, "During the day Jill is going to hang around Phil. Since she's upstairs she's going to make sure they are nearby an emergency exit. Aliyah and her friend are going to shut the power off, we'll all know when that happens. Jill gave me this flashlight earlier," he pulls out a yellow flashlight.

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