My Paranormal Experiences ~ The Haunted Maze

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This one Is gonna be kinda hard to explain, but I'll try my best:

A few years back, when It was Halloween night, my friend Adri and I went Into this Maze, just for fun. It was quite big, as well. But we weren't really afraid, because It's just a Maze, this Is real life, how bad can It be?

Once they opened the front, to go Inside. It was dark, so I'll admit, we weren't too sure about It anymore. But we went In anyway, we stepped In.

Once we stepped Inside, they closed It and they Locked It. There was now no other way out, but the end of the Maze. They had a rule, you can't change your mind. Once they locked It, you can't be all like "Hey, sorry, I changed my mind!". Nope. Too bad, you ain't changing your bloody mind.

It was very dark In there, we couldn't see ANYTHING, It was pinch black. We where pretty much BLIND, In that Maze. Adri and I then started to debate, whether this was actually a good Idea or not. It was very unsettling.

They made you go through that Maze, whether you liked It or not. Because they weren't going to open the front doors, you can cry, you can scream. They don't care, they won't open It.

[It was In a HUGE House by the way, so that's why I'm saying Doors. xp]

It took  us 2 HOURS, just to finish that Maze. It was Insane. Whoever built and came up with It, Props to them, because gosh dang that was hard. Lol.

So anyway, Onto what happened. And why that's the title of this chapter:

It was pinch black, we couldn't see a thing. We held onto the walls, and tried to maneuver our way slowly through the Maze. It was very quiet, you could hear us breathing. In-fact: It was WAY too quiet, and It was really creepy.

Then sooner or later our eyes adjusted to the darkness, and we could finally see again. Thank God. We then let the walls go, and started to walk around the many different paths of the Maze.

We ended up stopping, because we got stuck on like 2 turns. Like there was 2 different paths we could take right in front of us, and so we stopped In our tracks for a moment and thought for a bit on which one would be the better path. I guess It wouldn't really matter, because knowing how Maze's work, there would be a LOT more different twists and turns than just this one. But we thought for a bit anyway.

While we stood there, thinking, on which path to take. I felt something crawl on me, I felt a LOT of things crawling on me. I felt like a million little legs, and It was uncomfortable and gross.

Adri saw what was crawling on me, and she said, "Uhh, I wouldn't move If I where you."

I was like, "What Is It?"

She just made a creepy gross face at me. I said, "Adri don't you scare me like that, what IS It?!" I was getting nervous.

Something that had 10 legs, came Into the view of the corner of my eye. I looked over towards my shoulder, and there was a big Tarantula on my shoulder. I felt around my body, and there where TONS of Tarantula's ALL over me, and more fell on me. I looked up at the ceiling, and Spiders where falling on me, etc. It was so gross.

I tried not to freak out, I am MEGA scared of Spiders. I mean I love tarantula's, but I'm still scared of them. And I couldn't hold It In anymore, I freaked out.

I tried brushing them off of me, telling Adri to Help me crush them off. And she swatted me with her hands, trying to get them off.

And once we finally got them all off, we just randomly took a path, and kept moving. I was disgusted, I was just, that's a whole lotta nope.

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