My Paranormal Experiences ~ I'm Psychic?!

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This probably Isn't anything scary, but whatever, I'm telling It anyway:

I think I might be Psychic, here's some short stories that might prove It....

1) 2 Years ago, I had a Vision, like I felt like I left my body for a little bit. I saw that within the next 2 weeks of THAT year, my Uncle dies of a heart attack. And then, I the vision stopped and I gasped like I just came out from underwater.

Then, 2 weeks later, my Uncle died of a heart attack JUST like My vision said so. I tried telling my family about It, but they didn't believe me.


2) When I was 14 years old, I had a vision In my SLEEP. That when I turn 15, I'll be In a horrible horse accident that almost kills me. And there was nothing I could do to stop It, but just kinda try to, prepare for It. Then after, I woke up straight away. I sat up and gasped, like It was a nightmare.

The next year, when I was 15 years old. I was In THAT horrible horse accident, It almost killed me, but I luckily survived.


3) 3 years ago, I had another vision. I saw that my grandpa was gonna be In Michigan In his big truck, and that he was gonna be In a horrid truck accident and break his back, within 2 days.

2 days later, My vision came true. My grandpa was In that truck accident In Michigan and broke his back. The truck was totaled, Destroyed, on a mountain.

He's okay now, and back to work.


4) 2 Months ago, I had a tiny harmless vision. I saw that grandpa was gonna call, at exactly 6 o' clock PM. In 3 weeks on a Wednesday.

I told grandma, she was laughing and was like, "You don't know, he calls when he calls."

When 3 weeks came, Grandpa called on Wednesday. At exactly 6 o' clock PM. Grandma looked at me, kinda creeped out. "How did you know that was gonna happen?" She asked, we where eating dinner at that time.

I shrugged me shoulders, "Just a wild guess." I chuckled, and continued eating. I didn't want to freak her out the fact that, I've been right about everything that has happened so far.


So yeah, pretty much. What do you think? Coincidence or I'm Psychic?

I think I'm a bit Psychic, but It's your opinion so I respect It. Also, be HONEST please. :3

Thanks for all of the support, means a lot. ^-^

Love you all! <3

~ Leo

P.S: I can see Into yerrr Future! *Snickers and does funny voice*

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