My Paranormal Experiences ~ Was That An Alien Or Ghost Peter Pan?!

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Last Night, when getting ready to go to sleep. I was covering up my birds with a blanket, so they won't chirp and wake me up. And I turned on my little light up Christmas Tree, because y'all know I'm afraid of the Dark. It's running out of battery, so I gotta fix that soon. Lmao.

I go over to my window, to close my blinds and curtain. Until I see a strange looking creature on the side-walk outside. It see's me, and stares me down. As I stare at It confused, on what the hell that thing Is. It looked like some sort of Alien creature.

"If you're trying to scare me, stop It, It's not funny. I know your tricks, I know that you like games, I know your trying to scare me. It's not going to work, now stop." I call out, to Ghost Peter Pan.

I wait for him to stop trying to freak me out. Until I hear Ghost Peter Pan make a low whisper, "But I'm right here."

I look behind me, and see his Shadow like body sitting In my spinney chair at my desk, again. "If your there, then, what IS that?" I ask pointing out the window. Ghost P.P shrugs.

I look over at my window again, and I gasped In fright because that creature jump-scared the hell outta me. The Alien like creature, was latched on the side of the building, since I live on the 2nd floor. And he was staring at ME, through my window.

The creature was bald, had no nose, HUGE Black eyes, and the tiniest little mouth I've ever seen. And It was TANNED colored.

It was so creepy, and I just tried to Ignore It. I closed to blinds and curtain, and hoped for the best when I finally went to sleep.

Haven't seen the creature, since last night, when that happened.

What the hell was THAT?!

Do Alien's flipping exist? Or? O-o

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