A\N ~ The Homeless

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2 Years ago, I set out with 4 bags, FULL of water bottles. And I went to downtown, San Diego. To find tons of homeless people. I gave them all water bottles, gave them high fives and such. Just made them happy.

Then after a while, when I had 3 water bottles left. I found this homeless family, Mother, Father and 6 year old Daughter.

I gave them the last 3 water bottles, and such. I was saying my goodbyes, and started to walk away.... Until I realized, the 6 year old Daughter, looked SO hungry. She was unhealthy, and way too skinny for her age.

I wanted to give them money for food, but I had no money on me. So I searched my pockets, for anything, just anything that would help.

I ended up finding, a little chocolate chip cookie. I mean, It wasn't much, but It was something. I was saving that cookie for later, but, SHE needed it way more than I did. So I went onto my knees, down to her level, and gave it to her.

And I swear, I cried. Her reaction, was, both sad, cute and amazing at the same time. That little girl, just, straight out hugged me. Her hug was so powerful, It was as though nothing else mattered In the world.

She hugged me so tightly, and said, "Thank you." In the tiniest voice, ever.

I hugged back, and said, "You're welcome." with TEARS.

That was honestly, amazing. Best reaction of a homeless child, ever. I really wish the best for them, I hope they find their way In this cruel world.

I hope ALL homeless people find they're way.

This Is why, I love helping homeless people. I do It all the time, when I can. <3

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