Here Kitty Kitty

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You are sleeping soundly In bed, when suddenly, you are awakened by the sound of a bell jingling. You realized It's the bell on your cat's collar. The jingling stops, so you lay back down to go back to sleep. You are just about to fall asleep when you hear the jingling again. You get out of bed annoyed, and begin to walk down the hall to get your cat and out him In bed with you so you can sleep. You stop halfway down the hall and gently clap your hands.

"Here, kitty kitty. Come here." You call out to him. But he doesn't come, and the jingling continues.

You're about to call out again when you remember that your cat died three weeks ago. All of a sudden, you see a small object fly from the darkness In front of you, and It lands In front of your feet. You look down and see your cat's collar.

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