The Other Jinchuriki

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Hey guys! Me, again.

If you read this chapter you will probably find it the worst writing ever. I'll try to fix it up in the later chapters. If you have any problem with my writing or actually like it, please comment.


"Is it true... that you have the Nine Tailed Fox sealed within you?" the Hokage asks seriously.

"Well, hell yeah! He's really cool once you get to know him ya know. I've got this nickname for him-"

"Naomi! Focus," the Hokage says sternly. Naomi turns her head slightly to look at Kakashi. He looks suprised with the sudden news. "Letting in the Nine Tail's Jinchuriki is dangerous. Twelve-"

"Don't worry Old Man! I've got Niney under control ya know! You think all that training with Octopops was for nothing?!"

The Hokage is well aware the Hidden Cloud Village has tamed their Tailed Beast, and taken Naomi under their wing. The Hokage sighs about having another jinchuriki in the village.

"Naomi, I'm going to tell you a story about twelve years ago," the Hokage sighs and looks at Kakashi. Kakashi nods and leans against a wall. "Twelve years ago, there was a tragedy. The Nine Tailed Fox attacked the Leaf Village causing so much destruction and costed lives of our beloved shinobis. Thankfully, the Fourth Hokage was at our aid."

The Hokage sighs before continuing, causing Naomi to raise a concerned eyebrow. "The Fourth Hokage was able to seal away half of the Nine Tail's chakra inside of him. The other half, he sealed it in his newborn baby. Along with sealing away half its chakra, the Fourth Hokage died. Every October 10, we remember the Hokage's sacrifice and honor him."

Naomi was lost for words. Master Jiraiya has told her about the incident, but never went into full details. Naomi looks back at Kakashi, who looks back at her, giving her a closed eyed smile. Naomi managed a small smile, but didn't mean it.

"Old Man, you said that the other half of the Nine Tail's chakra was sealed inside a newborn baby. Who is it?"

"The baby's name is Uzumaki Naruto."

At the sound of his name, Naomi stood paralyzed in front of the Hokage. She flashes back to Naruto alone on the swing. Sad, depressed, alone. Naomi's fist tightens and stares at the ground, refusing to look at anyone. Her red baby hairs brushed against her pale skin. Her blue eyes are filled with wonder about Naruto. Who is Naruto?

"Old Man, tell me a little more about Naruto," Naomi demands softly, finally looking into the Hokage's brown eyes. "What is with him?"

The Hokage closes the file and summons an Anbu Black Op. He whispers something to him and hands him the file. The Black Op nods and disappears into thin air.

"Naruto is a twelve year old boy who lost his parents by the Nine Tailed Fox as well with many others. He has no more family, so he remains orphan to this very day. Because the adults know about him being a jinchuriki, they fear him and disrespect him. They treat him like he's a monster. The adults tell their children to stay away from him, without telling them about the Nine Tails. So, Naruto is alone, no friends, no family. That is why he is alone, because they fear him."

"Well that's total B.S ya know! Being friends with someone powerful is the best!"

Naomi puts out her bottom lip. What she doesn't understand is the circumstances of how cruel people could be. The pain, the sorrow. All humans know the feeling of pain.

"But, there is one person who accepts Naruto, even though his parents died in the fight. He was just like Naruto when he was younger, an orphan, a class clown. He just wanted to be noticed, just like Naruto." the Hokage takes a long breath. Kakashi's expression hasn't changed. "This man is the only one to accept Naruto other than myself. His name, is Umino Iruka."

Naomi lowers her head and puts her fist under her chin. Only two people out of the whole village actually accepts Naruto. That's wrong in so many ways. Naomi sighs feeling bad for the poor little guy. Little by little, Naomi realizes that Naruto has many things in common with her. If she is a jinchuriku as well, then will her fate be the same as Naruto's?

The three stand in awkward silence for a while. Kakashi stands there lazily as the Hokage thinks what to do with Naomi.

"Naomi, this is a very important matter. The Hidden Leaf having another jinchuriki will throw off the balance of power between the nations." The Hokage stares at Naomi with his dark brown eyes, trying to see deep inside her. "You must promise not to tell anyone that you are a jinchuriki. Not even Naruto, for he doesn't know he is a jinchuriki himself."

Naomi puffs out air from her vibrating lips. She felt a strong bond with him, even him she's only known him for a couple minutes.

"This also regards you Kakashi," the Hokage addresses.

"Alright," Kakashi agrees lazily.

"In the mean time, you will be attending the Academy, starting tomorrow."

Naomi's eyes open up in shock. She lurches straight towards him, on the verge to pommel him to the ground, but Kakashi catches her by her torso so she couldn't do anything extreme.


Kakashi struggles to keep Naomi contained, for she has the strength of him and many others combined.

The Hokage, who is completely calm under the situation, continues. "It is a good chance for you to make friends. Besides, you are new so it would be harder to do it on your own."

Naomi still disagrees with his decision. She finally gave up the struggle against Kakashi and pouts.
Naomi sighs and finally gives in to his order.

"Fine, but only for Naruto's sake."

They both lightly chuckle and Kakashi ruffles Naomi's red, long hair. The Hokage gives her a place to live and money to buy food for later. Along with this, he gives Naomi a short, light brown kimono with brown laces on the edges of it and a brown skirt to go under.

"What's this for?"

"Do me a favor and wear this as your ninja outfit."

Naomi didn't question why he wanted her to wear this since he already done so much for her. As Naomi walks out of the room with Kakashi escorting her, the Hokage murmurs something to himself which makes him smile, and Naomi more curious.

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