Getting a C Rank Mission

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I know what the characters say aren't exactly what it is in the show, but I haven't seen it in months because I'm now watching Naruto Shippuden. I suggest you watch it, it's AWESOME!

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO BABYSIT!! I WANT A REAL MISSION!" Naruto complains as he criss crosses on the floor and stares in the other direction, away from the Hokage.

"Naruto, you are only a Genin, and Genin get D Rank missions," the Hokage explains, but Naruto chooses to talk about the ramen he had last night with Naomi.


Everyone pays their attention back to the Hokage, with Naomi rubbing the back of her neck. The Hokage sighs in defeat and looks at his list of missions. He chooses one for the Squad 7.

"Alright Naruto, I will give you a C Rank Mission. It is a simple escorting mission to the Land of Waves for a bridge builder. Summon the client."

A few seconds later, an old geezer walks in with a bottle of sake, clearly drunk. He scans the squad, and thinks very lowly of them.

"This is Tazuna," The Hokage introduces.

"Is this pipsqueak the one that is suppose to guard me?" he says rudely.

Naruto giggles. "Yeah! Which is the sorry pipsqueak."

Naomi, Sasuke, and Sakura stand next to Naruto. Naomi and Sasuke are the same height, obviously taller than Naruto. Sakura is probably an inch taller than Naruto, making Naruto the pipsqueak. When he finally realizes this, he lunges towards him, on the verge of tearing him apart, but Kakashi stops him.

"Naruto, our mission is to protect the bridge builder, not destroy him." Kakashi lectures lazily.

The Hokage informs the ninja that the mission will start tomorrow. They will meet at the main gate in the morning.

As Naomi walks out, Sasuke makes his way towards her. He puts his hands in his white pant's pockets and looks at the floor. Naomi can tell he is nervous, so she gives him a smile to reassure him there is nothing to worry about.

"Are you nervous, to guard Tazuna?" Sasuke asks, continuing to look away.

"No, not at all. First of all, I'm an awesome shinobi! Second of all, I've traveled all around the hidden lands before I came to the village, including the Land of Waves ya know." Naomi says elbowing Sasuke playfully. "Why? Are you?"

Sasuke blushes and looks away when she asks. "Not really. I'm asking for Naruto and Sakura's sake."

"Don't worry Sasuke, I will protect you with my life if I have to, but I don't think we have to worry. It is a C Rank mission ya know."

They come to a fork in the road, and both take different ways. Naomi makes her way to a bridge with red railings above a body of water. She stares at her glassy reflection in the blue water. Her red hairs fall to her side as she plays with it. She sighs and throws a rock into the water, making her reflection ripple. Deep down, she misses the Pervy Sage, even if he perves to much.

Naomi feels a presence, and throws a kunai in front of the person without even looking. "What do you want. We aren't in the Academy anymore ya know."

It was the group of boys who bullied her about her red hair in the Academy, but they brought someone else. He also had a ninja headband, so that probably means he is a Genin.

"Who is this chump?" Naomi says with an accusing finger towards him.

The boy ignores her remark. "I'm Kudo's older brother, and he told me that you've been picking on him."

Naomi can feel her blood boiling and steaming out of her. "I was only beating him up because he was picking on me. Besides, it's not my fault that Kudo is wimp ya know!"

"Kudo's right. How can anyone called the Spicy Chili Pepper become Hokage, especially since you're an outsider with ugly red hair."


The older brother and the group of people comes running towards Naomi, with their kunais in their hands. Naomi tightens her headband around her forehead and runs towards them as well. To level out the battle field, Naomi makes the same amount of Shadow Clones. The original Naomi goes against the older brother. He swings his kunai at her stomach, but Naomi stops it with hers. She kicks it out of his hand and kicks him in the stomach, and sends him flying backwards. Naomi looks around to see all her Shadow Clones still intact, and all the kids tied up.

As Naomi walks away, she notices someone in the tree. He has long black hair, a white button up with wrap on his arms, black shorts with wrap on one of his legs, and navy blue sandals. He wore a black headband over his forehead and has white eyes. His arms were crossed as he stared right back at Naomi.

That's when Kudo's older brother grabbed Naomi by her long red hair, tightly. "This is such ugly hair. How can you stand to have it everyday."

Tears begin to stream down her cheek. The older brother notices and lowers his guard. Naomi notices him loosen his grip and flips him over, so his back is on the ground and shes on top of him. She begins to punch him in the face continuously. The boy in the tree watches in concern.


Naomi finally gets off of him, and kicks him in the stomach for her last blow. The older brother stands up trembling and begins to run away, untying the kids first.

"You really are the Spicy Chili Pepper! You have no chance to be Hokage!" He yells scarily as he runs into the woods.

Naomi feels the stare of the boy in the tree. Her tears continue to run down her cheek, but she wiped them away quickly. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT! WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME!?"

She runs away, and the boy just continues to stare.

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