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Hikaru suddenly feels a burst of energy rushing through his body. Not just any ol' rush, a very powerful feeling that gave him more stamina. He can feel his blood acting like a violent river coursing through his veins. He felt stronger. But why? 

Before he could find an answer, he hears a loud boom, then a storm of dirt flies in his direction. Naomi's entire figure swallowed into the dirt. "Naomi!" he screams, but no answer. Instead, he shuts his eyes and covers his face with his arms in a 'x' position. 

The dust suddenly vanishes. Hikaru's face and arms are covered with more cuts and scrapes from the flying stones. He then realizes, what happen to the paper bomb. It was right next him, yet he feels alive and well. "Why aren't I dead?"  

The ginger head lifts his and looks for Naomi. She's not there standing with him, but the Stone shinobis still are. Except they seem angry. The bald shinobi begins barking orders at 2 of his comrades who are just as mad. They run into the forest, but there are still 3 left. They look down at Hikaru who sits on his knees, vulnerable, but not weak. Actually stronger. 

"You 2 stay here. I want to finish of the Fugioka for myself." Hikaru hears the bald man say. He jumps off the tree branch and begins to run after him with a kunai in his hand and screaming vengefully. Hikaru is able to stand and defend himself, but he doesn't know how long he'll be able to hold him off. 

Suddenly, a kunai flies right by for the bald man and slits his cheek before landing right next to Hikaru. As Hikaru looks down at the light silver kunai, he notices it has a weird shape to it. It was no ordinary kunai. 

As Hikaru's eyes widen with realization, a wave of red hair appears before him and kicks back the stone ninja back. Naomi turns her head around to see the ginger haired boy in fear. She couldn't blame him, though. Her entire body was covered with an orange, bubbly cloak. Her once sky eyes are now red and her pupils are narrow. The whiskers on her cheeks are thicker and look even more threatening. 

Hikaru begins to back up slowly from what he doesn't think is Naomi. Naomi notices this and walks up to him and kneels down before him. The ginger is scared to death that this beast who possessed Naomi is now face to face with him. He secretly takes out a kunai, and hides it behind his back. He then aims for the beast's stomach, but she caught him by his wrist a few centimeters away from the target.

"I'm going to die now. Curse my life."

He closes his eyes with fear, but accepting what is about to happen. Naomi notices this, so she forces one of his eyes open with her fingers. His hazel eyes are filled with terror, but then with shock as he sees what unfolds before him. 

The orange cloak that surrounded the redhead's figure began to slowly fade till it became nothing. Her eyes became the familiar blue orbs and her whiskers return to normal. His jaw fell to the floor when he found out that the beast was Naomi. The same girl who made him ticked off. The girl who was completely oblivious of every one and everything. The girl who probably didn't know her left from right.

"N-Naomi-chan?" Hikaru's finger slowly approaches Naomi's cheek until it made contact. Confused, Naomi stares down at it, then swats it away. "It is you!"

"Well, obviously."

"What was that! I mean your eyes were fox like. Some bubbly orange substance surrounded you from head to toe. Your entire aura changed. And when you kicked that bald shinobi back... it's, it's just- what?!"

Naomi was about to say some snazzy reply when the bald man's comrades came over and punched Hikaru in the face and Naomi in the gut. They forgot that they were in a dangerous battle somehow.

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