Getting to Know You

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Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, and Naomi all wait impatiently for Kakashi to arrive, for it was after lunch. As they sat there, Naomi received curious stares from Sasuke and Sakura. They want to know where all that anger came from, and it wasn't the same anger of being called the Spicy Chili Pepper, but one of a monster.

Being the prankster of the group, Naruto placed an eraser at the top of the cracked door so it could fall on Kakashi's head when he enters. On the outside, Sakura acted like a mature lady and told him he was a Jonin and would never fall for that, but deep inside, she really wanted to see what happened. As for Sasuke, he could care less.

Naomi smiles goofily as she watches Squad 7. She isn't sure how they will ever complete missions together. Ever. Yet, they seem like the perfect team. At these thoughts, Naomi grows gloomy. Recalling the Hokage's words, being a Leaf Shinobi means you are part of the village, and you carry the responsibility to protect it and it's people, but being the Ying half of the Nine Tails brings worry of the security.

The Genin hear the footsteps of a person approaching the classroom. Naruto and Naomi crack a smile, as for Sasuke and Sakura, they stare in wonder. A head of spikey, white hair pokes into the room. Bam! The eraser plops the top of his head leaving a tiny white puff. Naruto and Naomi cheer in victory while Sasuke and Sakura question Kakashi's role of a Jonin.

"My first impression of you guys," Kakashi says lazily. "You're all idiots."

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura lower their heads in shame with a sweat upon them. As for Naomi, she punched Kakashi in his jaw before he knew what hit him. With astonishment, Squad 7 were really starting to question their Sensei's skill. Kakashi slowly gets up as if nothing happened, and orders the Genin to go to the roof.

On the roof, Kakashi leans lazily against the silver railing while the students sit on the marble stairs in front of him. A gentle breeze tickles Naomi's skin and runs through the strands of her red hair. The trees seem to sway calmly as if they were dancing. The leaves would fall gracefully to the floor, just to be swept away by the wind. Kakashi notices how a leaf falls to Naomi's soft palm. She clasps it with both hands tightly. When she releases it, the leaf has been cut perfectly in half, and blows away in the wind. Naomi takes a quick glance at the others. No one else seems to notice the beauty of nature, only Naomi.

"To begin, I would like to get to know you better," Kakashi explains lazily.

"What do you mean Kakashi Sensei?" Sakura asks in confusion. Naruto, Sasuke, and Naomi are also confused on what he means.

"What are you like and dislike, hobbies, interests, dreams."

"How about you start Kakashi, so we know how to do it."

"Alright then. Likes and dislikes, don't feel like telling you that. Interests, don't feel like telling you that either. Hobbies, I have lots of hobbies. Dreams, well, never really thought of it."

The Genin are disappointed in Kakashi's poorly given answer. "Ok, now it's your turn. We'll start from left to right."

Naruto went first. "I like pork ramen. I dislike the time you have to wait when you poor in the hot water. My hobbies are trying different types of ramen. My dream is to be the greatest Hokage ever so everyone will have to treat me like somebody, somebody important."

Sakura was next. "I like,*looks at Sasuke, then squeals.* My hobbies are *squeals.* And my dream is to *squeals even louder.*"

"What are your dislikes?*


Naruto's reaction was like he was hit in the heart with a boulder. Sakura saying she didn't like Naruto killed his fragile heart.

Sasuke was after. "I dislike almost everything, and I don't like anything in particular. I don't have any interests or hobbies. And what I have is not a dream, for I will make it a reality. I will kill a certain someone."

"Dude that's dark," Naomi says. "Ok, my turn! "A thing I like is ramen and something I don't like is vegetables, but I will eat it if I have to. An interest I have is eating ramen and taking walks. My hobbies are to train and cloud watching. A dream I have is to become the first female Hokage ya know!"

"Alright then. Now that we got to know each other better, it's time to explain the real reason why we're here." Kakashi says lazily as he shifts his position on the railing. "Tomorrow, you will be taking an exam."

"But we already took tests back in the Academy! Were here to learn jutsus." Naruto complains with a frown on his face.

"This 'test' could determine your future as a shinobi. For this exam, if you fail," Kakashi says slightly chuckling. "You won't like what happens."

"What happens?"

"If you fail, you will be sent back to the Academy."

A gasps escapes everyone's lips when they hear the sudden news.

"But for you Naomi, you will be taking a different test from the others since you are more skilled than the others." Kakashi looks at the team. "And you shouldn't eat breakfast tomorrow."

Sakura puts on a confused expression. "Why is that Kakashi Sensei?"

"Because, you'll puke."

Kakashi begins to walks away as they look at him in shock, but he could care less.

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