Tomato is NOT a Good Nickname

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Hey beautifuls!

It's me again, again. First of all, I'm not very good at expressing myself through writing, more like I express myself through eating. Don't hate me cause I suck at writing, because I believe I actually have a good plot/fanfic going on.

Enough about that boring junk. Onto the Story!

Thx lovelys,

The Next Morning:

Naomi was the absolute last to enter Iruka's classroom. Iruka invited her to the front of the room so she could be introduced since she's new. With all the curious and judgemental eyes staring at her, Naomi felt small.

"Good morning class," Iruka greets with a warm smile. Some of the kids murmur a hello or stay silent. "We have a new student with us today. Go ahead," Iruka says elbowing playfully at Naomi's ribcage. "Introduce yourself."

Naomi gulps before speaking, but notices Naruto in the back of the room smiling at her, giving her a thumbs up. With a boost of confidence, Naomi finally says something. "I'm Naomi. I'm currently thirteen years old, my birthday was on January 8th, which makes me a Capricorn ya know."

The entire classroom look like zombies as she talks. However, Naruto continued to smile at his new friend. "I love ramen, my favorite color is yellow, and I want to become the first female Hokage ya know!"

The class was so silent that you could hear the crickets miles away. Suddenly, all the students break out into laughter, except Naruto.

"Did you hear what she said? She wants to become the Hokage!" a boy says out loud.

"And her red hair's so ugly! She reminds me of a tomato with her round face and red hair!" another boy says out loud. "Tomatoes can't become Hokage!"

When the rest of the class heard this, their laughter roared across the entire school. Naomi's blood began to boil. She can feel the Nine Tailed Fox's concern inside of her. Naomi closes her eyes, and enters her subconscious. Before her stood the Nine Tailed Fox, free from his seal.

"What should I do Niney?" Naomi says hugging the fox's orange-red fur.

"Show them what you're made of. Show them you are someone not to mess around with."

"But I can't show you. The Old Man said not to."

"Show them your physical strength, Naomi."

Naomi releases her grip from the Nine Tails. She stares into his eyes and nods, thanking him for his advice. Naomi opens her eyes to see that she's back in reality.

Naomi storms up to the boy who called her tomato. She grabs his shirt collar, lifting him up off the floor with her strength. She pulls him towards her until his face was inches away from her own.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING TOMATO?!" Naomi yells at him. She picks him up as if he's flying superman style and throws him across the room. Naomi then looks at the boy who insulted her hair. She marches towards and also grabs him by the shirt collar. "AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME BECOMING HOKAGE! I CAN PROBABLY BEAT YOU ALL IN FIGHTING YA KNOW!"

Unfazed, the boy smirks at her. "Let's put that theory to the test."

Naomi spins him around in circles and launches him into the air. When he lands on his back, Naomi shows up split second on top of him, with one leg on each side. Naomi punches him, holding back for if she punches any harder, it could cause severe injuries.

Naruto cheers in the background for Naomi, making her slightly blush. She then directs her attention to the boy. He lies on the floor scared for his life. She could feel the Nine Tails praising her for her work. Naomi thanks him mentally and gets off of the boy. He runs back to his seat, cowering in fear with the other boy she threw across the room.

As Naomi looks around, she notices all the students with their jaw wide open, except for one boy. This boy had dark blue, spikey hair, a dark blue shirt, white shorts, white arm and leg warmers, navy blue sandals, and black eyes. Telling by his crest, he was an Uchiha. For a face he had an attitude, sort of impressed with Naomi's skills.

The room finally settles down due to Iruka. "Naomi, you will sit next to Sakura. Sakura, please raise your hand so Naomi here knows."

A girl with pink hair in a red dress with black shorts under raises her hand proudly. Doing this, Naomi could easily tell she was the smartest of the class, but also one of the most annoying. Naomi reluctantly walks over to Sakura's desk and takes a seat. Sakura's eyes were filled with awe when Naomi sat down. Naomi was very confused on why she was so awestruck, but ignored her and "payed" attention to Iruka's teachings.

After class, Naomi rushes out of the classroom to find Naruto, but Sakura places her hand on her shoulder, preventing her from leaving. "Hey there toma... I mean Naomi!"

Naomi knew exactly what Sakura was going to call her, but she let it slide. "That was really cool what you did in class and I was wondering if you'd like to eat lunch with me. I mean you don't have anyone else."

Naomi begins walking to look for Naruto, but Sakura follows close behind. As she walks, Naomi notices the Uchiha boy sitting alone beside a tree. Sakura eyes turn into hearts as they pass by. Pathetic, Naomi thinks, bur it gives her an idea.

"Hey Sakura, I think the boy was checking you out."

Sakura squeals and rushes towards his side. He clearly seems annoyed, which brought a smile to her face. In victory, Naomi walks to find Naruto, feeling the Uchiha boy's stare burn into her skull.

After the Academy:

Naomi heads home after spending her entire day with Naruto. They ate ramen, threw shurikens at a post, threw water balloons at people, and raced each other. After a long day of fun, Naomi was ready to hit the hay.

But nooo.

Sasuke approaches her with his usual attitude for a face. He doesn't seem to happy from what Naomi did earlier that day.

"Why did you do that."

"Do what munchkin," Naomi asks innocently even though she's remembers perfectly well what she did. After all, Sasuke was one of the targets for the water balloons.

"Told Sakura I was checking her out and threw water balloons at me."

"Because it was funny ya know! You need to lighten up! Besides, you're to uptight."

Those were the wrong choice of words. It pushed Sasuke's buttons big time, causing his blood to boil in anger.

"Fight me. Right here, right now."

"Nah. I'm full! Eating 6 bowls of ramen can make a girl full ya know!"

Sasuke had enough of her talk. He charged at her at full speed. Naomi rolls her eyes and groans in disgust. In seconds, Naomi disappears from Sasuke's sight. He thought he'd scared her off and let his guard down. Suddenly, Naomi grabs his arm and flips him, causing him to land on his stomach. Before he could get up, Naomi sits on him with one leg on each of his sides. With one hand, she holds both of his arms together. With the other, she holds a kunai knife under his chin, inches away from his neck. Sasuke grinds his teeth in frustration and in defeat. He starts to get the suspicion that she isn't no mere Academy student.

"Are we done now. When a girl says she's full, she's full."

"Who are you?"

"Did you not pay attention to anything in class today? I'm Naomi!"

"But that was-"

Naomi puts a finger over his lips telling him to quiet down. She smiles down at him, and disappears into the night wind.

"Damn it!" Sasuke yells, pounding his fist to the ground. What hurt him most wasn't being pinned down, but being beat by a tomato.

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