Birth of the Spicy Chili Pepper

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Hey there! Author Reina speaking!

I have all these idears in my lil head for this story, but most of them don't happen in the middle, end, or in the second book (that's right, I said second book). If you've made it this far and actually like it, leave a vote and a comment if you like!

Thx for reading my lil dumplings,

Naomi sits down calmly at her desk with Sakura. Sakura just nags at her 24/7 about how she loves Sasuke or how cool Sasuke is. Rolling her eyes, she looks in the other direction, trying to signal to Sakura she doesn't want to talk to her.

In the back of the room, Naomi notices Sasuke. He looks pissed about yesterdays fight and his face continues to look like stone. When Sasuke turned around to stare down Naomi, Sakura thought he was looking at her and squealed loudly. Naomi puffs away some hair in her face and buries her head in her arms on the desk. She really wants to fall asleep, but Sakura is like a clock without a snooze.

Suddenly, a hand grabs her hair from behind and pulls her out of her desk. In shock, Sakura just stares instead of help her. Naruto and Sasuke also stare at Naomi being pulled forcefully to the back of the room. The hand pushes her to the floor and puts his foot on her stomach so she can't get up. Naomi looks up to see the two boys from yesterday along with others. They have a nasty smirk on their face and there fists are ready for action.

"Hey tomato!" the boy from yesterday yells. "We have a new nickname for you. It suits you better than tomato."

That's when the entire class turns their head into the direction of the fight. Iruka just stares at what is happening unresponsive.

"For now on you are the Spicy Chili Pepper."

Naomi can feel every ounce in her blood boil with extreme anger. The Nine Tails chuckles silently inside of her, making her even madder. The boy who's foot was on her stomach was about to stomp on her. Iruka notices this and runs over there but it was to late, for the boy. Naomi grabs his foot with one hand like it was nothing and tugs on it, causing him to fall flat on his back. Naomi stands up casually still holding his foot, and bends to grab his other foot. She begins to spin around in circle which lifts the boy into the air like a helicopter. Naomi aims for all the boys that were surrounding her and hit the in the stomach with his head. When she lets go of his legs, they all fly to a side wall, creating swirls in their eyes. Naomi marches over there and puts her foot on the boy's stomach. She leans forward so his face was inches away from hers.


Naomi steps off and casually walks back to her desk next to Sakura. Sakura was lost for words, so she just stared into Naomi's blue eyes. They seemed so innocent yet, had a killer instinct.

Iruka stares at Naomi and sighs, but a smile grows on his face. Dumbfounded, Naomi ignores him and looks at Sasuke. He was staring at her intensely.

Naomi stands up and slams both of her fists on the desk. "WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT TOUGH GUY! WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME YA KNOW!"

Sasuke immediately looks away, but off the corner of his eye he continues to look at her. Naomi finally calms down and looks back at Naruto. Naruto blushes when she smiles at him and gives her a thumbs up. Like nothing, Iruka continues his lesson, keeping an eye on Naomi.

After class, Naomi was summoned to the Hokage's office. Following close behind her was Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. She tried to shoo them off since these meetings contained secrets, but they followed like flys.

Naomi finally turns around when they're at the foot of the building. "What do you guys want. I have to meet with Hokage ya know!"

"That was awesome what you did back there Naomi! How did you learn to fight like that!"

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